
"Akoria" translated from Greek means "pupil", but what secrets does it hide? Let's figure out together what this incomprehensible word means.

Normal daylight hits the retina through the pupils, like a camera lens. This light stream is directed to the nerve cells of the retina, where the reaction occurs in the form of an electrical signal, which is transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain for processing. Many ophthalmic diseases are based on changes in the size of the optic nerve. Preserving the nerves helps prevent the disease from developing over time and reduces the patient's need to wear glasses. However, the size of the pupil is not a constant indicator; it depends on how illuminated a given area of ​​the body is. Changing the lighting around a person, for example when changing clothes or time of day, determines the diameter of the pupil, and the number of photons of light entering the eyes depends on its size,