
Acrohidrosis: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Acrohidrosis is a condition in which excessive sweating occurs in the extremities - arms and legs. This is a fairly common phenomenon and can be caused by various factors.

The causes of acrohidrosis can be different. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to excessive sweating, while for others it may be due to medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes and certain other endocrine disorders. Acrohidrosis can also be caused by stress or nervous tension.

The symptoms of acrohidrosis can be easily noticed. People suffering from this condition experience more sweating in the extremities, which can lead to foul odor and discomfort. In some cases, problems with clothing and shoes may occur as sweat can penetrate the fabric and cause damage to the skin.

Treatment of acrohidrosis may include different methods, depending on the reasons that caused this condition. If acrohidrosis is associated with any disease, then it is necessary to treat it. In other cases, various methods can be used such as antiperspirants, medications, relaxation techniques and even surgical methods in extreme cases.

Overall, acrohidrosis is a fairly common condition that can lead to discomfort and odor. If you suffer from excessive sweating in the extremities, then you should consult a doctor to determine the causes and methods of treatment. Only a doctor can prescribe the most effective treatment that will help get rid of this condition and return comfort to your life.