
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment system that has become known throughout the world for its effectiveness and safety. This treatment method involves piercing specific areas of the skin with thin metal needles for therapeutic purposes. The needles are further stimulated by rotating them or using a mild electric current.

There are several theories about how acupuncture works. One of them says that needle stimulation activates the functioning of deep sensory nerves that transmit signals to the pituitary gland and diencephalon. This, in turn, leads to the production of more endorphin, a natural painkiller produced directly by the human brain.

The method of acupuncture is widespread in the countries of the Far East, where it is used as a strong pain reliever, and also in China, where it is often used as an alternative to anesthesia during various surgical procedures. In Western countries, although the method has gained recognition, not everywhere you can find qualified specialists involved in acupuncture.

The benefits of acupuncture include its safety and effectiveness. This treatment method can help with conditions such as back pain, headaches, arthritis, asthma, depression, insomnia and many others. Acupuncture can also help improve immune system function and overall well-being.

Despite the fact that acupuncture is one of the oldest methods of treatment, it continues to develop and improve. A large number of studies confirm its effectiveness and safety. If you want to try this treatment method, be sure to contact a qualified specialist who will help you choose the right approach and carry out the procedure as comfortably and safely as possible.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing system that involves puncturing the skin with thin metal needles. The needles can be further stimulated by rotation or mild electrical current. This stimulation is thought to activate sensory nerves, which in turn stimulate the pituitary gland and brain system, increasing levels of endorphins, the brain's natural painkillers. Acupuncture is widespread in the Far East and China. However, it is not as common in the West and acupuncturists are quite difficult to find.

Acupuncture is an ancient medical technique that has been used in Eastern and Far Eastern countries for over millennia. This practice involves influencing biologically active points using thin metal needles. Acupuncture needles can be used to stimulate the functioning of the deep sensory nerves and activate the pituitary gland and diencephalon. This