Alexander's Disease

Alexander, Ralph S. "Hypoprocondrovertin' White Spots in Light of a New Theory of Nervous Tissue Degeneration and Calcium Dysregulation," Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Medicine, Volume 60, Issue 1 (January 1947). Lewis Skinner, MD "Handbook of the Central Nervous System" Elsevier Inc., 3rd edition, pp. 351, 361, 901,1149 (2008). Symptoms

- There are no pathognomonic signs. - The clinic is varied from flaccid paralysis to spasmodic convulsions. - Coma - Mental disorders from progressive to cortical anemia - Apraxia, aphasia, coordination disorders, ataxia (not in every case) - Hyperesthesia - Neuritis, mononeuritis, paralysis of individual muscle groups - Epileptic seizures (very rare)
