Alpha motoneuron

Alpha motor neurons are motor neurons in the anterior horn of the spinal cord that innervate extrafusal muscle fibers. They are part of the reflex arc and are responsible for controlling voluntary muscle movements.

Alpha motor neurons receive signals from the brain through the spinal cord and then transmit them to the extrafusal muscle fibers. These fibers are at rest, but when they receive a signal from a motor neuron, they begin to contract.

Alpha motor neurons play an important role in regulating muscle tone and coordinating body movements. For example, when exercising or performing complex movements such as playing a musical instrument, our muscles must be able to quickly respond to signals from the brain. Alpha motor neurons help us control these movements and allow us to perform tasks smoothly and accurately.

In addition, alpha motor neurons may be involved in the regulation of emotions and mood. For example, during times of stress or anxiety, our bodies may produce adrenaline, which can lead to increased alpha motor neuron activity. It can help us cope with stress and improve our ability to concentrate.

Overall, alpha motor neurons are important elements of our nervous system and play a key role in controlling our movements and emotions.


Alpha motor neurons (α-motoneurons) are a type of neuron in the anterior horn of the spinal cord. They play an important role in controlling muscle contraction and relaxation. In this article we will look at the mechanism of action of α-motoneurons and their role in muscle function.

**Mechanism of action of α-Motoneurons**

α-Motoneurons receive signals from other neurons in the brain and send impulses to muscles via an axon. The axon of the α-motoneuron attaches to extrafusal muscle fibers, which are muscle tissue that is not capable of contraction and is intended to maintain muscle tone. When α-motonerone sends an impulse, it causes an action potential (AP) in the axon, which is then transmitted to synaptic vesicles in extrafusal muscle fibers. The synaptic vesicle contains a chemical transmitter such as acetylcholine or norepinephrine that is released at an action potential. When the synaptic vesicle opens, the chemical compound enters the extrafusal muscle fibers and causes depolarization of the membrane. This causes muscle contraction, which results in a change in body posture or movement. The mechanism of action of α-myoneurons resembles the work of neurotransmitters, such as acetylene and norepinephrine, in the nervous system.