Algodystrophy Neuroreflex

Neuroreflex algodystrophy is a disease characterized by the development of dystrophic changes in the bones, muscles and joints of the extremities.

The cause of the disease is reflex disorders of tissue trophism resulting from injury or disease of the nervous system. Most often, algodystrophy develops after injuries to the limbs, operations, or myocardial infarction.

The main symptoms of neuroreflex algodystrophy:

  1. severe pain in the affected limb, aggravated by movements and exercise;

  2. swelling and hyperemia of the skin;

  3. decreased motor activity due to pain;

  4. osteoporosis and degenerative changes in bones on an x-ray.

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and radiographic data.

Treatment includes drug therapy (analgesics, vasoactive drugs, bisphosphonates), physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. The prognosis for most patients is favorable with adequate treatment.

Allodysthesia is a neurological disorder characterized by tingling, pain, or cold sensations in certain areas of the body that have no external cause. Such symptoms can occur with lesions of the nervous system of various origins. One type of allodysthesia is neuroreflex algodystonic syndrome, the cause of which is a violation of the reflex function of the central nervous system.

Neuroreflex syndrome occurs in many diseases accompanied by pathological inhibition of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, disturbances of blood microcirculation in peripheral vessels and autonomic disorders. These include spinal cord injuries, vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord (with subarachnoid hemorrhages, encephalitis), neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's disease, etc.), post-traumatic and post-stroke conditions. In this case, there is a sharp increase in pain and paresthesia sensations that occur without external influence. Some patients note that these sensations occur a few seconds before the onset of the symptom. It should be noted that sometimes such manifestations can disappear on their own, without treatment. However, to accurately diagnose the disease and determine treatment tactics, it is necessary to consult a specialist - a neurologist.

The symptoms of neuroreflex syndrome are quite diverse. Basically, patients complain of various types of pain - dull,