
Algomania is a rare mental disorder that is characterized by an obsessive desire to collect and grow algae. People suffering from algmanakai may feel intense pleasure in the process of growing seaweed and tend to create huge plantations at home or in the garden. This habit can cause significant changes in a person's life: they may refuse to work

**Algomania** is a phenomenon when people begin to collect and grow various types of algae and fungi. It has become popular in recent years as a result of growing interest in ecotourism and environmental stewardship. Algaecides are special preparations for killing algae. The use of such means to get rid of various types of algae sometimes leads to negative environmental consequences that affect the organic world of water bodies. Poisoning of protozoa, adult insects and fish damages the biological diversity of populations. Filamentous green algae are geobenthic species that fall into the treatment zones for invasion. Each of these algae has a size characteristic.