Alice In Wonderland Syndrome

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: Mysterious Illusions of Reality

In the medical world, there is a rare and mysterious condition known as Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. This term is used to describe a combination of phenomena including depersonalization, illusory perception of surrounding space and time, disturbances in body schema, and psychosensory disturbances. People with this syndrome may feel detached from reality, as if they are in a wonderland where everything around them seems wrong and unusual.

Alice in Wonderland syndrome can manifest itself in various conditions and diseases, such as epilepsy, intoxication and brain tumors. In the case of epilepsy, Alice in Wonderland syndrome can be caused by an epileptic seizure, during which brain activity is disrupted and unusual experiences and illusory beliefs about reality arise.

Intoxication caused by drugs or other substances can also cause Alice in Wonderland syndrome. When intoxicated, the brain is exposed to toxic substances, which can lead to a shift in perception and the emergence of strange sensations in the surrounding world.


Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is an unusual type of mental disorder that is characterized by illusory perceptions, a disruption of the connection between the body and reality. This syndrome can occur in both children and adults; and is a common problem, especially among young people.

This pathology manifests itself when a person’s consciousness is impaired, illusions and distortions of ideas about the surrounding reality appear. The patient begins to see unusual things that do not exist in reality. Impaired perception of time and space can lead to serious mental dysfunction and problems with social adaptation of a person. For