Allergen From Cod

Cod allergen

Country of origin: Russia
Pharmaceutical group: Immunobiological preparations
Manufacturers: Biomed im. Mechnikova (Russia)
International name: Cod allergen
Dosage forms: solution for intravenous administration 4.5 ml complete with tuberculin syringe

Cod allergen is an immunobiological preparation produced in Russia by the company Biomed named after. Mechnikov. It is an intradermal solution and is used to diagnose and treat cod protein allergy. This drug is available in the form of 4.5 ml ampoules complete with a tuberculin syringe and is intended for carrying out skin allergy tests. When injected under the skin, the allergen stimulates the patient's immune system, causing a reaction to cod antigens in case of hypersensitivity. This allows you to diagnose allergies and select effective therapy.