Allergen Tularemia D/Skin Application Liquid

Allergies are one of the most common diseases in the world and can be caused by various substances. Tularemia allergen is one such substance that can cause an allergic reaction in people. In this article we will look at the tularemia allergen for cutaneous use liquid, its properties, application and production features.

Tularemia allergen for cutaneous use, liquid, is produced in Russia at the Omsk Plant for the Production of Bacterial Preparations. This drug belongs to the group of immunobiological drugs. The international name for the tularemia liquid allergen is Tularemia Allergen Liquid.

The dosage form of the tularemia allergen is a suspension for external use (d/cutaneously) in ampoules of 1 ml, containing 20 doses in 1 ml. The drug is intended for use only under medical supervision.

The tularemia allergen acts as an antigen that causes an allergic reaction in people sensitive to this substance. This reaction can manifest itself in the form of various symptoms such as itching, redness, swelling, difficulty breathing and others.

The use of liquid tularemia allergen for cutaneous application is associated with the diagnosis of an allergy to this substance. To do this, a special allergy test is carried out, in which the tularemia allergen is introduced into the patient’s body to determine his sensitivity to this substance.

A feature of the production of tularemia allergen is its high sensitivity to transportation and storage conditions. Therefore, special precautions are taken during the production and storage of the drug to maintain its high effectiveness.

In conclusion, we can say that the tularemia allergen for cutaneous application liquid is an important diagnostic tool for determining the sensitivity of patients to this allergen. Its production requires high precision and compliance with all necessary conditions to ensure its effectiveness and safety for patients.