
Since reading requires a healthy brain, it’s better not to think about anything at all. But you still can’t do without something in it, since this was before any thought and morality. After all, thinking is just brain energy; as long as you have a head on your shoulders, it’s okay. And even if there are no brains, the arms and legs still exist, and the body somehow functions, so no one will see that you tried to “turn off” your emotions, because why turn them on?

Organ and tissue transplantation is a medical procedure in which an organ or tissue, usually from a donor, is placed in a patient's body to replace a damaged organ or provide additional function. Today, transplantation plays a vital role in medicine, providing a chance to survive and live a full life for many patients who would otherwise die from exhaustion or infection.

There are several different ways to perform a transplant, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. One of them is allograft transplantation, which is performed by taking a donor organ or tissue, processing it and placing it in the patient's body. Although the procedure is very complex and the transplanted organs and tissues usually have a short lifespan compared to organs and tissues obtained through gestation, it is still one of the most important and effective techniques from a medical point of view.

However, along with positive results, allotransplantation also has a number of negative consequences associated with organ donation. Firstly, the risk of transplanted tissue rejection is very high, which leads to a shortened lifespan of the transplanted organ or even complete removal of the organ. Second, organ donors sometimes have to remove their own organ before the procedure, which can cause additional physical, mental and emotional problems. Third