Alopecia Toxica

Toxic alopecia, or toxic hair loss, is one of the rare types of alopecia that is caused by toxic effects on the hair follicles. This form of alopecia can be caused by a wide range of toxins, including drugs, heavy metals, poisons, chemicals and other harmful substances.

Toxic alopecia can manifest itself as sudden hair loss in certain areas of the scalp or over the entire surface of the scalp. Moreover, hair can fall out even with minimal impact on it, for example, when combing or washing your hair. In addition, in most cases, the hair follicles can be damaged to such an extent that restoration of their function becomes impossible.

The main causes of toxic alopecia may be associated with the use of certain medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, hormonal agents and others. In addition, toxic alopecia can be caused by exposure to heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium, which can accumulate in the body and cause various problems, including hair loss.

Diagnosis of toxic alopecia is carried out using various methods, including tests for toxins in the blood and urine, scalp biopsy, and examination of the hair and scalp by trichologists.

Treatment of toxic alopecia depends on the cause of its occurrence. In some cases, once exposure to toxins has stopped, hair may regrow on its own. However, in more serious cases, treatment may be required, including the use of special medications, vitamins and minerals, as well as physical therapy.

Overall, toxic alopecia is a rare condition that can be caused by various toxic effects on the hair follicles. However, due to the fact that hair loss can significantly affect a person’s psychological state, it is important to promptly seek advice from specialists and begin treatment.