Alopecia areata Malignant

***Alopecia areata malignant*** is a serious disease that is characterized by the rapid and aggressive development of the pustular type of seborrheic dermatitis. The disease occurs due to a decrease in local immunity, a decrease in keratin in the hair root and an acceleration in the division of growth cells of the hair shaft. As a result, pustules form on the scalp, which is accompanied by pain and increased itching. The development of a tumor leads to the destruction of the nail plate on the hands and feet. The key problem is that this disease is very rarely detected in the initial stages, so treatment begins only after the functions of individual organs, such as the skin, teeth, kidneys, nervous and endocrine systems, are disrupted. That is why it is necessary to monitor your health and pay attention to any changes in your skin. Below are some recommendations for preventing and treating alopedia alopedia.