Alteration Allergic

The term **"allergic alteration"** is part of another term **"hypersensitivity"**, which is easy to see from the meaning of the Latin root "hyper" - from which we can get another term (English "hypersensitivity", see also and Russian synonym "hypersensitivity"). The term “**hypersensitivity**” is considered throughout the world to be one of the main ones to characterize **allergies**. This term is borrowed from scientific language and describes protective reactions to foreign substances, which can be designated as tissue, that is, higher, and humoral, that is, the most active, from the side of protein synthesis. Only if earlier this was a nomenclature for scientific and theoretical search, today in practice allergy is clearly associated with the theory of an allergen and the protective mechanism of a foreign antigen against it (that is, when it is a reflex of a super-strong response against a simple allergen under the influence of the immune system).

The old word **allergic crisis** is mentioned often