Alternating Pontine syndrome

Alternating pontine syndrome is a rare pathology characterized by simultaneous damage to nuclei IV-VI (Laerd's nuclei) or XII pair of cranial nerves or their branches in the absence of signs of damage to the pons.

The pathology manifests itself in the form of: * nystagmus * gait disturbances and paresis (paralysis) of the legs * walking in a circle * impaired facial expressions * monotonous or gross violation of the pronunciation of speech sounds with dysarthria


Alternans Pontina syndrome (Alternans Pontina syndrome) is a rare neurological disorder that is characterized by alternating disturbances of consciousness and wakefulness. In this case, a person periodically falls into a state of lethargy or into a state of deep sleep, and then awakens from it, often without remembering what happened. This disorder belongs to the group of temporal lobe epilepsies. Alternans pontine epilepsy, which occurs in young people, is usually called hyperactive or benign temporal lobe epilepsy. In this syndrome, people experience bouts of hallucinations and illusions, but they also sense the presence of other people or animals. This syndrome usually develops in adults, but in rare cases it can also be found in children. This form of epilepsy causes serious medical and psychological problems that may require medication and ongoing medical care.