
Alupent: description of the drug and its use

Alupent (international name Orciprenaline) is a bronchodilator from the group of beta-adrenergic agonists. The drug is produced by Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany) and Zdravle (Yugoslavia). Alupent is available in various dosage forms: tablets of 20 mg, solution for injection, aerosol dosed at 0.75 mg/dose 400 dz and aerosol.

The main active ingredient of Alupent is orciprenaline. The drug is used for bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, emphysema, pneumosclerosis, bradyarrhythmias, AV block and the threat of premature birth.

However, before using Alupent, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and possible side effects. The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity, status asthmaticus, ischemic heart disease, tachyarrhythmia, heart disease, thyrotoxicosis and glaucoma. Side effects include tachycardia, hand tremors, muscle weakness, decreased blood pressure, headache, dizziness, sweating, nausea, vomiting, addiction and tachyphylaxis.

It is also worth paying attention to the interaction of Alupent with other drugs. The drug enhances the effect of antidepressants, and when used together with beta-blockers, idiosyncratic phenomena are possible.

According to the literature (Encyclopedia of Medicines 2004), there is no information on overdose and special instructions for the use of Alupent.

Overall, Alupent is an effective bronchodilator that can be used to treat various respiratory diseases. However, before using it, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications and possible side effects, and also consult your doctor.