Amenorrhea Uterine

Uterine amenorrhea is a condition characterized by the absence of menstruation for six months. It can be caused by various factors, such as hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes, infections, injuries, cancer and others.

Symptoms and signs

One of the most common symptoms of uterine amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. However, some women may experience other signs and symptoms, including:

painful or irregular periods; pain in the pelvic area; the presence of hemorrhages in the mammary gland.


Treatment of amenorrhea may require consultation with a doctor. Depending on the cause and severity of the condition, various treatments may be prescribed, such as:

hormone therapy; surgery; physiotherapy.

Hormone therapy

This treatment method is aimed at restoring normal hormone levels in the body, which leads to normalization of the menstrual cycle and elimination of amenorrhea. Hormonal medications may include estrogen, progesterone, or a combination of both hormones.


In some cases, amenorrhea can be caused by ovarian surgery. For example, removal of a cyst can lead to the restoration of the menstrual cycle.


Physical activity can help improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism, which helps eliminate amenorrhea. Some sports, such as yoga, Pilates and dancing, can help improve your physical condition and regulate your menstrual cycle.


Untreated uterine amenoria can lead to various complications such as cystic ovarian degeneration, uterine fibroids, infertility, anemia and an increased risk of developing uterine and ovarian cancer. Therefore, it is important to seek medical help promptly.


When planning pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo an annual examination to detect uterine amenorrhea. It is also necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, regular physical activity and avoidance of smoking and alcohol.


Matochaya amenorrhea is a serious disease that requires timely identification and treatment. Diagnosis and selection of therapy should be carried out by qualified specialists in a medical facility. This will avoid dangerous complications and achieve effective results in treatment.