Ametropia Axial

Ametropia of axial type

Ametropia is a pathology of visual refraction that causes distortions in the quality of the image formed on the retina and changes the refractive power of the optical media in the patient’s eyes. Visual impairment under the influence of pathological visual deviations leads to decreased visual acuity and various complications, such as pain in the head, headaches, loss of orientation in space, limited performance and even disability.

**Classification of types of ammetropia.**

According to the form of pathology of light refraction, axial or myopia, in which light rays are focused in front of the retina instead of hitting it directly, a blurred image appears with increased proximity to surrounding objects. Posterior focus – strabismus, amblyopia and astigmatism, which cause increased visual load of the eye lens due to increased refractive forces with weak curvature of the cornea. In such a situation, the patient is forced to squint, which increases the risk of developing myopia (myopia). Types according to the severity of ammetropia. Weak - usually does not require treatment, less often weakens the functionality of the organ of vision due to visual overload. Average –