Amnesia Kongradnaya

Amnesia is a memory disorder that is a disorder of non-critical periods of life, when unreacted affective distress remains in long-term memory. Subjectively manifested by the inability to remember information, regardless of the time elapsed after the event and the significance of the information

Congrade Amnesia is the loss of memory for events that occurred during anesthesia or anesthesia. During surgery, the patient is given drugs that suppress consciousness and memory to protect the brain from noise, light, and other stimuli during surgery. This may result in the patient being unable to remember some or all of the events that occurred between anesthesia and awakening.

Treatment for congradia is available through normal communication between doctor and patient. The doctor will evaluate all the information available to the patient, the degree of memory impairment, and decide in what form of treatment should be prescribed. This may include changing the duration of the operation, connecting the patient to an open resuscitation process and consultations with psychologists, neuropsychologists and psychotherapists.

Congrade amnesia (literally in Latin “joint oblivion”) is a sudden loss of memory with complete preservation of awareness of the current moment and the current situation in the complete absence of the previous event. In Russian-language literature, this type of amnestic syndrome is often called the term “incognito” (which in