Amniotic Bladder Flat

Flat amniotic sac is one of the most common pathologies of pregnancy, which leads to serious consequences for the mother and fetus. The amniotic sac serves as a protective layer for the fetus during pregnancy and is responsible for creating the necessary environment for its growth and development. When this protective lining becomes too thin or damaged, it can lead to premature birth or pregnancy complications.

Although flat membranes are common among pregnant women, they can be complicated by a variety of medical conditions, including infectious diseases and hormonal imbalances. In this case, pregnancy may not proceed properly and require urgent medical intervention.

One of the main symptoms of a flat amniotic sac is premature birth. This means that the baby may be born prematurely, which can cause various congenital pathologies. In addition, with this form of amniotic sac, the risk of infections also increases.

Moreover, if the fetus does not receive proper nutrition, it may suffer from hypothyroidism.