
Anabiosis is a state of the body in which it is in a state of deep sleep. This condition can be caused by various reasons such as lack of oxygen, high concentration of carbon dioxide, low temperature, chemicals, etc.

Anabiosis is a very important phenomenon for life on Earth, as it allows organisms to survive in extreme conditions. For example, some bacteria can remain in a state of suspended animation for many years, surviving in conditions of low temperature and lack of oxygen.

However, suspended animation can also be dangerous for humans. For example, if a person is exposed to conditions of low oxygen or high concentrations of carbon dioxide, this can lead to loss of consciousness and even death. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the state of the environment and take measures to prevent suspended animation.

In conclusion, suspended animation is a very important phenomenon for life on Earth. It allows organisms to survive in extreme conditions and is essential for maintaining balance in nature. However, it can also be dangerous to humans, so measures must be taken to prevent its occurrence.


Anabiosis is a state of the body in which vital functions are noticeably suppressed, but not completely stopped. In this case, suspended animation can last from several minutes to several years. This phenomenon was discovered by the Swiss physician Paul Ehrlich in 1885. Today we will look at the benefits