

Anal - lat. anus - anus

Since there are still significant negative connotations to the topic of sexual communication in our society, we strive to create the most positive context for our readers, so the topic of intimate communication will be discussed in an unbiased, open and informative manner. In opening this article, I will rely on your understanding and patience. We will fully study what niche the anal theme occupies in the culture of sex and be sure to highlight all the advantages of this area of ​​sexual interaction. Let's get started!

Brief information:

anal (from Latin anum - backside) - the back part of a person’s body, opposite his head. The everyday meaning of the word, firmly established due to the wide popularity of sexual games, uses this word in the slang sense of “backside” or “ass,” which contradicts the sexual nature of this concept. By verbal definition, it is considered an insult, is derogatory or comical in nature and sounds quite offensive. In order to reduce the aggressiveness of the term in question, it will be replaced by the generally accepted version “anus” or more delicate replacements “anus” or even “anus”. Graduate students are not welcome.

Analytical review

Let’s say right away that we didn’t come to the idea of ​​studying, analyzing and comparing anal sex out of boredom. Over the course of time and communication experience, it became clear that many are afraid to use their sexual fantasy, limiting themselves only to the traditional form of sexual interaction, which we will conventionally call vaginal. This opinion of the verdict has already been formed by us, since in addition to the emotionally negative proposals in

Anal Anal - lat. anus (anus (Anufsh)) Here are some meanings of the word "anal":

**Anal**: 1. Penis - man - man as a member of the female "female company", assistant to the main character of the film. 2. Alphabet - the 31st letter of the Bulgarian alphabet (Unicode: U+0308). 3. Part of speech. Initial form: anal. 4. Zone (human anatomy) - meaning “part of the body belonging to its lower part.” 5. Opposite analogue, part of a paired limb in invertebrates and humans. 6. In the terminology of psychoanalysis, it means the location of erogenous zones between the anus and genitals (BDF zones, according to the BDSM abbreviation). 7. Hydraulic engineering: a swimming pool is an artificial reservoir intended for educational, sports, cultural and domestic purposes.

Anal – refers to the anatomical term for the anus. The word became widespread thanks to Latin. In Russian, terminology from Latin is also used. For example, the words anal canal, hemorrhoids, anus - they are all similar to the Latin ones. The anal canals may become inflamed and cause bleeding. This can lead to difficulty defecating and even death. Therefore, it is very important to avoid injury and take care of the health of your anal canals.

Many people wonder why the anus has such a name. There are several versions, but the most common is that the word comes from the Latin anus (back of the body), which means anus. Do not forget that this area is also one of the erogenous zones for men and women. This often causes problems, as such areas of the body are quite sensitive. However, there are many ways to make anal play and sexual experimentation safer and more enjoyable. If you would like to learn more about how to make this experience more enjoyable and safe, please contact us for assistance.