Motor Analyzer

Motor analyzer

The motor analyzer is a part of the nervous system responsible for the perception and understanding of body position and movements of individual muscle groups, bones and joints. It consists of sensory nerve fibers that transmit signals from sensory endings in the brain and spinal cord to receptors in the muscles and bones.

The role of the motor analyzer

Receptors in muscles and skeletal joints are connected to nerve fibers, allowing the body to recognize the position of bones and joints and evaluate movements in different parts of the body. Knowing these movements helps you move more efficiently and safely.

The central task of motor analysis is the activation and inhibition of these muscles to produce complete behavior adapted to the environment. It is important to understand that the more sensitive motor activity is to external stimuli, the greater the impact the external environment has on human motor functions. In the course of everyday life, a person is constantly faced with specific types of load, tasks and requirements. Based on the types of motivation, information about the psychophysiological states of the body, methods of performing movements, allows you to formulate instructions, tasks and other components of pedagogical communication in different ways. Researchers argue that to achieve the main goal of individual education, it is worth developing maximum precision of motor control, which is regulated and stimulated by motor tasks of varying complexity. Scientific research shows that in the process of developing muscle activity and coordination of movements from a very early age, the child receives the necessary psychophysiological information, ensures accuracy, speed and strength in performing movements. In the context of the development of the motor system, it is believed that goal-directed activity is the main biological form of education in childhood.

A key role is given to the analysis of multiple information that an individual receives as a result of exposure to external stimuli on the body. However, the role of environmental stimuli in controlling personality development cannot be overestimated and it is impossible to give a complete list of them, even if we recognize the influence of all known stimuli on the formation of the main components of human behavior. Environmental conditions: for each type of people you take as an example - this

Motor analyzer - A., which provides the perception and analysis of body positions in space and movements of its individual parts (active and passive).

A. motor consists of the muscular-articular and articular apparatus. The muscular-articular apparatus (muscles, fascia, tendons and joints) carries out active movements. The articular apparatus (joints and their ligaments) carries out passive movements.

Joint (articulatio) is a movable joint of bones, which is formed by articular surfaces. Joints can be simple (two articular surfaces - femoral-hip, wrist, ankle) and complex (many articular surfaces - shoulder, elbow, knee). Based on the shape of the articular surfaces, ball, ellipsoidal, condylar and flat joints are distinguished.

Movement in a joint occurs due to the articular surfaces that are in contact with each other. Between them there is an articular cavity, which is filled with articular fluid.

Ligaments (ligamenta) are dense connective tissue formations that connect bones and joints, strengthen them and promote movement. Ligaments are strong (interosseous, intervertebral), which connect the bones of the same name, and less strong (intra-articular, intramuscular).

Muscles (musculi) are organs that are capable of contracting and producing work, i.e. move a body in space. A muscle consists of muscle tissue (fibers, myofibrils, sarcoplasm), which is attached to the bones using tendons (tendineus). There are long, short, wide and thin muscles, flexor and extensor muscles.

The motor analyzer includes receptors that are located in muscles, ligaments, joints and tendons.

The motor analyzer is a special division of the body’s sensory systems, which plays an important role in the perception, coordination and control of the movements of the human body. Consists of sensors for muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and some spinal structures such as the coccyx and