Anbar - ambergris

Ambergris is believed to flow from a spring in the sea. The claim that it is sea foam or the feces of some animal is far from the truth.

The best ambergris is gray, strong, Salakhut, followed by blue, then yellow, and the worst is black, and they counterfeit it with plaster, wax, incense and mand. Mand is a black bad variety of ambergris J; mand is often found in the stomachs of fish, which devour it and die.

Hot, dry. The warmth of the amber seems to reach! second degree, and dryness - first.

Amber is useful for old people, as it gently warms.

There is a type of manda that is used to paint hands. They fix it so that the paint comes off.

Organs of the head.
Amber is good for the brain and senses. Respiratory system. It is good for the heart.