Andogsky Syndrome

Andog syndrome

Andogsky (Ananyevsky) syndrome is a specific, extremely rare variant of nutritional marasmus, characterized by predominant damage to the cardiovascular system and brain, a painful feeling of hunger, fatigue, weakness and other somatoneurological disorders [8].

Relevance of the problem. Despite their rare occurrence, Andog and other toxic syndromes lead to serious disturbances in the social adaptation of people, and also necessitate the provision of specialized, including expensive, medical care.

The first mention of this syndrome dates back to the mid-19th century and belongs to the English doctor T. Adnaier [1,2]. However, the term “Andog” itself was introduced by A.V. Kovin in 1963 and is a tracing paper from English. "anogoism", which means unhealthy eating due to lack of appetite or impaired chewing function. Further studies of “alikangara syndrome” (the term was introduced by the Japanese physician E. Arakawa in 1898) allowed T. L. Popeleva to first identify aliantacidosis as an independent disease associated with insufficient food intake and nutritional symptoms [3,4]. In 1971, T.N. Balabanova determined that ashankara (the Indian form of Andog disease) has a close connection with G. Schwatz’s argiptanization in Sudan, which was introduced into practice under the name “nutritional dystrophy” [5,6]. Modern ideas about the Andog (Ashankar, Ananyev) syndrome received their final form several years ago. Its genetic basis is known, the clinical picture has been established, complications have been identified, modern drugs and preventive measures have been developed, and a set of treatment measures includes about 30 points [4-8]. According to the latest edition of the International Classification of Diseases, Andogsk disease was classified as a mini mental disorder, diagnosis code F50.043. To be more precise, we have a specific, extremely rare and original disease.

The pathogenesis of a disease is a mechanism for the development of those diseases and conditions of the body that are caused by the influence of persistent nutritional factors. The occurrence of nutritional deficiency or