
Androvit: homeopathic remedy for prostate diseases

Androvit is a homeopathic remedy produced in Russia by the Homeopathic Pharmacy company. It is intended for the treatment of prostate diseases. In this article we will look at the main characteristics of Androvit, its composition, application and side effects.

Composition of Androvit

Androvit contains a hydroalcoholic extract from five plants:

  1. Lomatey (Lomatium dissectum);
  2. Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra);
  3. Small nettle (Urtica urens);
  4. Sage (Salvia officinalis);
  5. Clary sage (Salvia sclarea).

These plants were chosen for their beneficial properties in treating prostate diseases and related problems. Each of them contributes to the effectiveness of Androvit.

How to take Androvit

Androvit is available in the form of drops for oral administration. The recommended dosage for adults is 10-15 drops diluted in 50 ml of water, three times a day, half an hour before meals or two hours after meals. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.

Benefits of Androvit

Androvit is a homeopathic remedy, which means that its active ingredients are diluted to such an extent that their concentration in the preparation is very low. This makes Androvit safe for use and avoids side effects that often occur when using traditional medicines.

In addition, Androvit has a herbal composition, which makes it more pleasant to use and reduces the risk of negative interactions with other medications.

Side effects of Androvit

Side effects when using Androvit are very rare and usually minor. In some cases, allergic reactions may occur.


Androvit is an effective homeopathic remedy for the treatment of prostate diseases. Its herbal composition makes it safe and convenient to use. If you have problems with the prostate gland, it is recommended that you see your doctor so that he can advise you on the best treatment, including the possibility of using Androvit.