Anemia Infectious

Infectious anomia is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs due to the fact that people do not get enough iron in their body. Infectious anemia is considered to be a severe form of anemia that occurs as a result of the body being unable to obtain sufficient amounts of iron from food. Infectious anemia can lead to severe

Infectious anemia (A. infectiosainfectious anemia - AI) is a serious blood disease that occurs as a result of a bacterial or viral infection. Anemia is one of the symptoms that accompanies infection of the body, but can also occur independently. In this case, the body spends a large amount of iron, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

Symptoms of infectious anemia Anemia is manifested by the following symptoms:

•Weakness, general malaise •Loss of appetite •Dry mouth •Decreased performance •Dizziness •Poor coordination of movements •Fragility and dullness of hair

Treatment of infectious anemia requires timely diagnosis and prescription of appropriate medications. It is very important to prescribe the correct treatment immediately after the first symptoms appear, as anemia can be life-threatening.