Anemia of Prematurity

Anemia of prematurity is a serious condition that can lead to serious complications for a premature baby. Anemia of prematurity is diagnosed in babies born prematurely. This occurs because premature babies have an immature circulatory system and are unable to produce enough iron for normal growth and development.

The causes of anemia of prematurity may vary. Several factors can lead to an infant's lack of iron, including a lack of breast milk or formula that contains normal amounts of iron. Other reasons may be due to digestive problems, which may prevent iron from being absorbed. There are also genetic factors that can increase the risk of iron deficiency.

Anemia of prematurity is a serious problem that can cause many health problems in a premature infant. The main signs of anemia of prematurity include weakness, pale skin, tachycardia, and decreased blood pressure. In severe cases, there may even be disruption of the cardiovascular system and brain.

The main method of treating premature infant anemia is the use of iron supplements. Typically, infants receive iron supplements through drops or special mixtures containing iron in the form of salts. To help your baby's body absorb iron, it is recommended to include iron-rich foods in the diet, such as beef, pork, liver, buckwheat, and green peas. It is also important to ensure regular monitoring of blood tests and monitoring of iron supplementation to avoid overdose.

Overall, anemia of prematurity is a serious condition that requires constant monitoring and treatment. It is important to consult a doctor if signs of anemia appear in children in order to prevent possible complications and improve the health of the little patient. It is also necessary to monitor