Anemia Sideroblastic Hereditary

Hereditary sideroblastic anemia - analysis of causes and prevention.

What is hereditary sidoblastic anemia? Hereditary sidoblastic anemia (more broadly, aplastic) is the most common pathology of the bone marrow. Appears during childhood

**Sideroblastic hereditary anemia (a.sideroblasticashereditaria; English hereditary sideroblastic anemia, from the Greek “blood” and χείρ, “hand”) is a hereditary disease of the sideroblastic anemia group, clinically manifested by hypochromic microcytic anemia with moderate hemosiderinuria as a result isolated defect of pyridoxal phosphate-dependent iron hydration.

**Synonyms:** Congenital sideroblastopenia, Federici's disease, Blaaum's syndrome.