Anesthesia 1

Anesthesia is a medical term used to describe a state in which a person is under anesthesia. This condition has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with the advantages. One of the main reasons why anesthesia can be beneficial is to reduce pain and discomfort during surgery or other medical procedures. While a person is conscious, they may feel pain from surgery or other medical procedures. Anesthesia allows a person to not feel this pain, which can make the procedure less painful and safer. Anesthesia also reduces the patient's stress and anxiety before the procedure.

On the other hand, anesthesia also has its disadvantages. One of the most common disadvantages is the risk of complications. Some patients may experience unwanted side effects after anesthesia, such as nausea, vomiting, headache and other health problems. In addition, anesthesia can have negative effects on the heart and lungs, especially in people with diseases of these organs. Also, staying under anesthesia for a long time can be dangerous.

Anesthesia: history, use and types of anesthesia. Anesthesia is a medical procedure used to make a patient less sensitive to pain during surgery. Anesthesia is one of the most common methods of pain relief in surgery. It is also used in dentistry, gynecology, otolaryngology and other medical fields. However, until recently, anesthesia was associated with some risks to the patient's health, which led many doctors and patients to avoid its use.

Narco history

Anesthesia is an anesthetic treatment in which special substances are introduced into the body to ensure a temporary absence of pain and consciousness. Today we will talk about the history of the creation of anesthesia, its types, as well as the treatment of drug addiction. With the help of anesthesia, doctors perform complex operations, since pain is blocked and patients are unconscious or slightly inhibited. Drug anesthesia is used as an independent method for mild pain. Neuroleptanalgesia is a method of pain relief that includes the administration of drugs that enhance the effect of narcotic analgesics, central and peripheral effects simultaneously.

Anesthesia is the “artificial” elimination of sensitivity in the mouth, pharynx, larynx and digestive system. It is used for:

- Dental operations; - Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity; - Surgical manipulations on the chest; - If necessary, vaginal probing and examination; - Oncological diagnostic studies; - Preparing the patient for surgery. An important point in the treatment of drug addiction is the motivation of the sick drug addict himself. Drug treatment becomes the first and very difficult task of the doctor, a task that is aimed at eliminating the patient’s physical need for the drug, and subsequently psychological dependence. For this purpose, various methods are used - compulsory treatment, social