Anesthesia inhaler

An anesthesia inhaler is a medical device designed for dosed administration of vapor-gas mixtures (PGMs) containing narcotic substances into the patient’s respiratory tract. Such mixtures can be used for anesthesia, pain relief and other medical purposes.

Anesthesia inhalers are an integral part of equipment for anesthesia and resuscitation. They are used in hospitals, clinics, surgical departments and other healthcare facilities where surgeries and procedures that require anesthesia or pain relief are performed.

The principle of operation of an anesthetic inhaler is as follows: through a mask or tube, PGS containing a narcotic substance is supplied to the patient’s respiratory tract. The patient is usually under general anesthesia or analgesic. In this case, the dose of the narcotic substance is selected individually for each patient, based on his age, weight, health status and other factors.

One of the main advantages of an anesthetic inhaler is the ability to accurately dose the narcotic substance. This avoids overdose and unwanted side effects that may occur when using other methods of anesthesia.

However, when working with an anesthetic inhaler, certain precautions must be observed. For example, do not allow PGS to come into contact with the patient's eyes or mouth, and ensure that the mask or tube is placed correctly on the patient. In addition, it is necessary to regularly maintain the inhaler and monitor its condition.

Overall, an anesthetic inhaler is an important tool in medicine. It allows for safe and effective anesthesia and analgesia procedures, which significantly improves the quality of medical care and patient comfort.

An anesthetic inhaler is a special device for maintaining free patency of the airways by forming and supplying a vapor-gas mixture (nitrous oxide + oxygen) with a certain concentration of medical gas and the ratio of drug flows, ballast gas or liquid established by the doctor into the respiratory circuit, as well as for delivering an anesthetic into the lungs to reduce discomfort during the procedure and to ventilate the patient’s lungs during anesthesia and artificial respiration.

An anesthesia inhaler is one of many elements of anesthesia equipment. It is made in the form of a compact pump and consists of: * a chamber or reservoir for nitrous oxide;

* carburetor for oxygen with adjusting screw