Anetoderma Erythematous

Anetoderma Erythematous

Anetoderma erythematosus is a skin disease that affects any type of dermis, from the head and neck to the soles. This chronic form of dermatosis is associated with numerous factors, including infection, injury, hormonal changes and allergies. The condition is accompanied by characteristic symptoms in the form of red spots or plaques and can last for decades. In general, the patient's history includes both primary and recurrent rashes, which can vary from small to large. The etiology of the disease is caused by a violation of biological defense mechanisms and is responsible for stimulating their skin autonomy. In the classic form of the lesion, patients experience clusters of itchy, non-inflammatory spots of an erythematous nature, which are limited to certain areas of the trunk, neck, and limbs. Antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids are used for treatment. Unfortunately, diagnosing the disease remains difficult, due to its widespread location. Some experts believe that seborrheic dermatitis

Anetoderma is a disease of the skin and subcutaneous fat that occurs as a result of atrophy of the processes of the epidermis - dendrites. This is a violation of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the skin, as well as the entire vascular bed. Clinically, it is manifested by a violation of not only the pilosebaceous follicle, but also by intercellular degenerative changes, which involve interkeratinocyte connections of the epidermis. In the presence of such disorders, the skin begins to peel off at the root of the hair, and the tissue becomes loose. During atrophic processes, hyperemia of the skin is observed. Skin nutrition deteriorates. This disorder is called erythema. Without proper treatment, over time, the affected area of ​​skin and tissue becomes uneven and spots or freckles appear on it. And when there are a lot of spots on the skin, it is very difficult to count them. The affected area becomes very hot, causing a painful feeling inside and itching. The skin becomes covered with spots, which can lead to the development of a painful condition in which blood vessels are located close to the surface of the epidermis, so even the slightest friction of the skin can trigger the appearance of capillary bleeding.