Aneurysm Arterial Congenital

Congenital arterial aneurysm (a. arteriale congenitum) is a pathological expansion of the lumen of an artery caused by a congenital defect in the development of its wall.

The cause of congenital arterial aneurysm is a violation of the embryogenesis of the vascular wall. The aorta, subclavian, pulmonary, femoral and other arteries are most often affected.

Clinical manifestations depend on the location and size of the aneurysm. In an uncomplicated course, a congenital aneurysm can be asymptomatic for a long time. Complications include thrombosis, embolism, and aneurysm rupture with bleeding.

Diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical picture and instrumental methods (vascular ultrasound, CT, MRI, angiography).

Treatment of congenital aneurysms is in most cases surgical. Open and endovascular operations are used. The choice of method depends on the location, size of the aneurysm and the presence of complications. For inoperable forms, conservative therapy is carried out.

The prognosis depends on timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. Following your doctor's recommendations and regular examinations will help you avoid the development of complications and improve your prognosis.

Arterial aneurysms occur in various areas of the body. Although aneurysms may sometimes be asymptomatic, most cases are incidental findings during medical diagnosis or are associated with a symptom. Most aneurysms are located in large arteries, since these vessels are more subject to heavy stress. Aneurysmal protrusions quite often affect arteries such as:

- Subclavian. Located under the collarbone to the right of the neck, it nourishes the heads of the brain and hands, the heart and lungs. To the right of the left side of the neck; - Femoral artery. It nourishes the abdominal cavity and lower limbs. Passing through the groin on the left side; - Posterior tibial. Located behind the knee, it is superficial and therefore cannot be seen. It nourishes the legs and is a branch of the femoral artery;

Carotid aneurysm is a rare condition and is caused by birth defects. On