Angin-Khel S

Angin-Hel S: homeopathic medicine for the treatment of diseases of the throat and tonsils

Angin-Hel S is a homeopathic medicine that is produced in Germany by Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH. It belongs to the group of homeopathic antimicrobial agents and is used to treat acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and tonsils.

The composition of the drug includes Mercurius cyanatus D8, Phytolacca americana D4, Apis mellifica D4, Arnica montana D4 30 mg each, Hepar sulphuris D6, Solanum dulcamara D4, Atropa belladonna D4 60 mg per tablet.

Angin-Hel S is indicated for enlarged tonsils, kidney and other complications after tonsillitis, chronic rhinitis and other complications of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug.

After taking Angin-Hel S, salivation is possible, so it is advisable to stop taking the drug in such cases. Interactions with other drugs have not been described, and an overdose is also not expected.

The literature indicates the effectiveness of Angin-Hel S in the treatment of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and tonsils. The drug is recommended for use as part of complex therapy for these diseases.

In conclusion, Angin-Hel S is an effective homeopathic medicine for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and tonsils. It has no contraindications and does not cause overdose, but may cause drooling. If symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting to use the drug.