Angioedema (Angio-Oedema), Angioneurotic Oedema (Angioneurotic Oedema)

Angioedema (or angioedema) is an acute allergic disease characterized by swelling of the subcutaneous tissue. Most often, swelling of the eyelids, lips, tongue, and larynx is noted. The reason is the release of allergy mediators (histamine, etc.) from mast cells.

The disease can occur against the background of allergies to foods, medications, or insect bites. Also provoking factors are stress, physical activity, infections. In some patients, the cause is not identified - the idiopathic form.

Clinical manifestations: sudden swelling of soft tissues (usually lips, eyelids, tongue) without itching and redness. In severe cases - swelling of the larynx with breathing problems.

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and history. Laboratory tests are nonspecific.

Treatment: antihistamines, glucocorticoids. In case of laryngeal edema, urgent measures are taken to ensure airway patency. Prevention consists of eliminating provoking factors.

Thus, angioedema is a dangerous allergic disease that requires immediate treatment. If swelling of the lips, tongue, or larynx occurs, you must immediately call a doctor.

Angio-edema and angioedema. Definition of the concept. Angio-allergic edema reaction is a type of angioedema, manifested by profuse unilateral edema, quickly spreading to large areas of skin, or multiple swelling in the larynx, pharynx, facial or ophthalmic veins.

As a result, rashes appear, the elements of which, under a microscope, resemble whitish blisters and bumps that rise strongly above the skin. The spots themselves are devoid of content or contain a translucent straw-colored liquid. In case of different damage to the skin