
Nowadays, people rarely hear about this medical term, however, it can be quite scary not only for the person suffering from this disease, but also for loved ones, because his recovery depends not on some methods and drugs, but from human capabilities. It all starts from the time of detection of problems associated with chronic, acute pain in the abdominal organs. This important condition should not be left to chance. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. We should not exclude from consideration the possibility of angioendoblastoma, which is provoked by a combination of metastases with a tumor from cells of the intestinal or stomach mucosa, a tumor from neurogenic tissues, as well as blood vessels. Blood vessel cancer has the ability to grow throughout the body. Because of this, the time it takes for the disease to spread is shortened, so it is impossible for a person with such a disease to live a full life. Pain in the presence of angioendblastoma is characterized by varying degrees of severity. They may well be permanent or appear periodically when exposed to physical or chemical factors in the body. The mobility of the organ during the development of this disease is great, which leads to the appearance of Chiari syndrome. With this disease, the walls of the spinal canal become closer together. It indicates the pressure of cancer cells on the surrounding nerve roots of the spinal cord. The pain makes it possible to determine its location. With rectal cancer, abdominal pain occurs, appearing regularly at regular intervals. This is due to the fact that adenocarcinoma is a dense tumor that develops from nerve tissue. It grows around the walls of the intestines. Angioendoblastoma is a kind of connective tissue located immediately under the intestinal epithelium, but in cancer of the bleeding vessels it forms tumors. Tumors do not arise on the walls of the intestines and rectum, but on their mucous membrane. To diagnose them