
What is angiopagia in medicine?

**Angiopathies (angiopagia)** are disorders in which there is damage to the walls of blood vessels and are accompanied by hypertension. One form of such diseases is retinal angiopathy. With the formation of angiopathy, damage to the walls of blood vessels occurs, and the blood vessels themselves gradually begin to be damaged. This condition can be caused by various factors such as hereditary diseases, obesity, bad habits, heredity, poor diet, stress, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo timely medical examinations and treat possible diseases.

Angiopathy causes. - Heredity - Stress - Bad habits

Angiopagus is a chronic disease characterized by the formation of growths and proliferation of veins on the fingers and toes, often rising to the level of the hand or forearm. The disease occurs in middle-aged and older people. Most often, women suffer from angiopagia. In advanced cases, the disease can lead to tissue degeneration of the limbs.

The disease develops for several reasons. In particular, constant exposure to stress, fatigue and emotional distress can lead to both the onset of the disease and its progression. Sometimes angiopagia is a sign of another connective tissue pathology. There are also a number of hereditary connective tissue diseases that can provoke angiopagia - **Dupuytren's dysplasia, Marfan syndrome, ectodermal dysplasia**. The main signs of angiopagia: Dry, irritated and rough skin around the fingers.