Aniseikonia Optica

Aniseikonia optica is a type of ophthalmological disorder that manifests itself in distortion of the shape of visible objects. In general, aniseikonic optics is a vision defect in which objects lose their clarity and shape due to changes in the curvature of the cornea of ​​the eye. This disorder can occur against the background of various diseases, including astigmatism, glaucoma, cataracts, and various eye injuries.

Symptoms of aniseikonia optica include: + blurred visual area; + distortion of the shape of objects; + tilt and uneven dispersion of the image; + impaired depth perception.

Aniseikonic optic is a reversible vision disorder, and in most cases people can overcome it after treatment, which includes correction of the defect with contact lenses or laser correction. However, in some cases, the aniseikonic defect remains for life.