
Anophthalmos (anophthalmus; an- + Greek ophthalmos eye) - complete absence of the eyes or eyeball. This is a rare congenital condition in which a person is missing one or both eyeballs.

The causes of anophthalmos can be different. Most often this is due to disorders of the embryonic development of the eye in the early stages of pregnancy. Risk factors include infectious diseases and toxoplasmosis in the mother during pregnancy, as well as genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus.

Clinically, anophthalmos is manifested by the complete absence of the eyeball in one or both orbits. As a rule, there are deformations of the eye sockets and eyelids. There is no vision.

Treatment of anophthalmos consists of prosthetics to restore the cosmetic defect. The prognosis for life is favorable, but long-term rehabilitation and training in spatial orientation skills are required.