
Anoscopy is a medical procedure that involves examining the anus and rectum using a special instrument - an anoscope. An anoscope is a tube with a small diameter and a light at the end, which is inserted into the anal canal and allows the doctor to examine the mucous membrane of the rectum, detect pathological changes, and also carry out therapeutic manipulations.

Anoscopy can be performed both for the purpose of diagnosis and for the treatment of various diseases, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, polyps, tumors and other pathologies of the rectum.

The anoscopy procedure can be performed either on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting. Before the procedure, the doctor examines the patient, asks questions about symptoms and takes a medical history. The patient should then lie on the couch on his left side with his knees bent and his hips slightly apart. The doctor treats the anal canal with an antiseptic solution and inserts an anoscope into the anus.

During the procedure, the patient may feel some discomfort or even pain, especially if there are inflammatory processes in the rectum. However, the anoscopy procedure is quite safe and does not require a long time to perform. After the procedure is completed, the doctor removes the anoscope from the anal canal and then treats it with an antiseptic.

In general, anoscopy is an important procedure in medicine that allows you to diagnose and treat various diseases of the rectum. But it is important to remember that anoscopy can only be performed by a qualified proctologist and should be performed only if indicated.

Anoscopy is the medical term for a rectal examination used to determine the condition of the rectum. Curvature or narrowing of the anus, internal and external fistulas, purulent otitis media, fistulas, fractures of the pelvic ring bones - all this can cause anoscopy. This research method makes it possible to detect tumors, polyps and other pathological formations in the organs of the anorectal region during rectal cancer, inflammatory and infectious processes. Colonopexy helps diagnose the disease - a procedure in which, through anoscopy, a special instrument is inserted under the patient’s skin to identify various anatomical defects in the structure of the rectum and determine the condition of cracks, prolapse of the anus, etc. The patient lies on his side, bends his knees, spreads his legs wide. Preparatory activities include toileting the rectum with a cleansing enema. In modern practice, doctors resort to the use of rectal mirrors and various sets of metal clamps. They are equipped with special tips and insertion into the direct line begins.