Anosmia Respiratory

Respiratory anosmia is a loss of smell that occurs due to diseases of the nasopharynx. It is characterized by a decrease in odor perception and can be caused by various reasons, including infections, allergies, tumors or neurological disorders. Typically, with anosmia, the patient cannot identify food odors or aromas. Therefore, people with this problem may eat food without taste or appetite, which can lead to malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies. Fragrance aversion can also affect quality of life, making it difficult to socialize with healthy people.

For receptive anosmia, in addition to other treatment methods, therapy with medical olfactory prostheses is possible. Such devices are placed in the nasal cavities and can simulate natural odors, which help patients better identify aromas and improve their quality of life. However, such prostheses have some disadvantages, for example, they may be uncomfortable during physical activity, and also require monitoring of the time they are worn.