
Antacids are a group of medications used to reduce high acidity of gastric juice. High acidity can lead to stomach damage, heartburn and other digestive problems. Antacids help neutralize acid and reduce levels in the stomach, thereby relieving symptoms.

Antacids are available in various forms: tablets, suspensions, powders and others. The choice of form depends on the individual needs of the patient and treatment goals. Antacids are also available in different doses, ranging from 300 mg to 200 ml. However, you should not take a higher dose than prescribed by your doctor.

There are several types of antacids. Most of them contain aluminum carbonate or magnesium. They quickly react with saliva, neutralizing acid in the stomach. This reduces abdominal pain and eliminates heartburn. However, in some patients, high levels of aluminum or magnesium in the blood can cause side effects such as kidney and nervous system problems. In this regard, the choice of substance and its dose should be made by a doctor.

Antacids are medications that are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases such as heartburn, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and others. They contain substances that neutralize acid in the stomach and protect it from damage.

Antacids can be in the form of tablets, capsules, suspensions or oral solutions. They act quickly and effectively, but are not always safe for long-term use. Therefore, before starting treatment, you must consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

One of the most common antacids is almagel. It contains aluminum and magnesium hydroxide, which neutralize stomach acid. Almagel also has a coating effect, which helps protect the stomach from further damage.

Another popular antacid drug is Maalox. It contains magnesium carbonate and aluminum hydroxide, which also neutralize acidity in the stomach. Maalox also has anti-inflammatory effects and can be used for stomach ulcers.

When choosing an antacid, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of contraindications. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible side effects.