Anti-plague Institutions

Anti-plague institutions are specialized scientific and practical medical organizations that are engaged in the development and improvement of means, methods and forms of carrying out preventive and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the spread of quarantine diseases. These institutions also monitor the intensity of epizootics occurring in natural foci.

Anti-plague institutions perform several important functions. Firstly, they are developing and implementing new preventive measures aimed at combating the spread of quarantine infections. This may include developing new vaccines, diagnosing and treating diseases, and monitoring the quality of drinking water and food.

Secondly, anti-plague institutions monitor the epizootic situation in natural plague foci. They monitor the spread of the disease, identify sources of infection and take measures to eliminate them. This helps prevent the spread of infection and protect the population from possible epidemics.

In addition, anti-plague institutions provide education and training for specialists in the field of epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases. They train health care workers, scientists and other professionals to better understand how infections spread, prevent infections, and develop new methods to combat them.

In general, anti-plague institutions play an important role in the fight against quarantine infections and protecting the population from possible epidemics. They are developing new preventive measures and monitoring epizootic situations in natural foci, and also train specialists in the field of epidemiology and prevention.

With the emergence of epidemics and pandemics, the question arises of how to organize treatment and prevention, as well as prevent the spread of infection. Anti-plague institutions play a special role in this fight. Despite the fact that few people know about this place, the anti-plague institution is an object of particular importance, ensuring our safety in difficult epidemiological situations.

General provisions An anti-plague institution (API) is a specialized scientific and practical medical institution created to develop and improve means, methods and forms of carrying out preventive anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of introduction of the spread of quarantine infection and also monitoring the intensity of epizootic processes within naturally focal areas . Sub-profiling of PCU is based on the choice of the following areas related to the elimination or elimination of life-threatening diseases, the spread of widely infectious diseases through pathological and anatomical research on the routes of disease transmission.

However, it should be noted that the institution does not function on its own, but together with medical institutions, the sanitary-epidemiological service and other institutions that control sanitary and hygienic conditions in cities and regions. In carrying out their tasks, they contribute to the fight against epidemics, which are characterized by a high rate of spread and a significant degree of mortality