Anti-cellulite coffee scrub recipe

Along with excess weight, one of the problems of modern women and girls is cellulite. To combat “orange peel”, a wide variety of creams, masks, wraps, and salon procedures are used. Some remedies are ineffective, others are not affordable for everyone. But there is one product that will help get rid of cellulite and restore the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. And this is ordinary ground coffee. Based on it, adding various components, you can prepare scrubs and masks for skin care at home. The results from using such products will pleasantly surprise and delight you.

Beneficial properties of coffee scrubs against cellulite

Coffee is an aromatic drink, beloved by many, and a very controversial product. On the one hand, if you use it without measure, you risk being covered with ugly cellulite, on the other hand, it is the main assistant in the fight against the “orange peel”.

Caffeine is the main component found in coffee beans and has many wonderful properties. Various microelements and vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron, sulfur and phosphorus, more than 30 types of organic acids - and this is not the entire list of useful substances that make up the small grain.

When using coffee-based anti-cellulite products:

  1. blood microcirculation improves;
  2. the process of splitting subcutaneous fats is activated;
  3. metabolism improves;
  4. toxins are eliminated;
  5. skin elasticity and tone increases.

Anti-cellulite cosmetics almost always contain ground coffee, essential oils and other useful products. Store-bought anti-cellulite products are very expensive, run out quickly and, unfortunately, do not always help. This is why scrubs and masks prepared at home are becoming increasingly popular.

Products for homemade scrubs against cellulite need the simplest, they are available in every home and cost a penny. In addition, you will always be confident in the quality and freshness of the prepared product.

When preparing scrubs, you can experiment by adding certain ingredients - honey, cinnamon, sea salt, clay and much more. All these wonderful products themselves have a lot of useful properties, and in tandem with coffee they will only enhance the healing and cosmetic effect.

Regular use of coffee miracle scrubs in combination with moderate physical activity and proper nutrition will relieve you of cellulite and help you become slimmer and fitter.

Recipes for homemade anti-cellulite scrubs

There are many different recipes for anti-cellulite cosmetics based on ground coffee. Their preparation will not take much time, and the result will be noticeable literally from the first days.

For scrubs, it is best to use fresh ground coffee, but you can also use coffee grounds. It is preferable to use finely ground coffee to avoid damaging the skin.

Simple coffee scrub

In order to prepare a simple scrub, you will need:

  1. one tablespoon of ground coffee;
  2. shower gel (to ensure a soft and gentle application to the skin).

It is very easy to prepare such a scrub:

  1. Mix coffee and gel, add a little warm water, stir everything well.
  2. It is advisable to take a hot bath so that the skin steams and the pores open.
  3. The scrub should be applied with gentle rubbing movements.
  4. Leave the mixture on the body for 10–15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Video: making coffee scrub at home

Honey-coffee scrub

One of the most effective is a scrub with the addition of honey. Bee honey contains a large amount of valuable substances, so it is often used in home cosmetology. A honey and coffee scrub will not only relieve you of cellulite, but will also help in the fight against old stretch marks and give your skin a radiant appearance.

For the honey-coffee scrub you will need:

  1. 1 tablespoon liquid honey;
  2. 1 tablespoon coffee;
  3. shower gel or liquid soap.

Mix all ingredients and apply to the body, thoroughly massaging the skin.

Video: honey and coffee scrub for cellulite

Sea salt and coffee

Using a coffee scrub with sea salt can easily replace an expensive salon spa treatment. After such a scrub, the skin will be soft, like a newborn’s. For preparation you need the following components:

  1. 2 tablespoons of ground coffee;
  2. 2 tablespoons sea salt;
  3. shower gel;
  4. 1 spoon of olive oil.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients of the scrub, apply to the steamed body with massage movements and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off the mixture with warm water.

Coffee-oat scrub

Coffee with oatmeal is another great combination of cellulite scrub products. Oatmeal has healing properties, evens out the relief of the skin, removes toxins, retains moisture, saturates the skin with vitamins, and promotes rapid skin regeneration. Preparing an oatmeal scrub will take a few minutes, and the result will be simply amazing.

To prepare an oatmeal scrub, you need the following ingredients:

  1. 2 tablespoons of dry coffee grounds;
  2. 3 tablespoons of ground oatmeal (you can grind it in a blender);
  3. 1 spoon of sour cream or natural yogurt.

Mix everything thoroughly and rub problem areas. After 10 minutes, take a shower.

Coffee-pepper scrub

A scrub with the addition of hot pepper has a very strong anti-cellulite effect. When using this scrub, fat deposits are broken down very well, metabolism and blood circulation improve.

To prepare pepper scrub you will need:

  1. 2 tablespoons of natural ground coffee;
  2. 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  3. 25 ml of pepper tincture or 1/2 teaspoon of ground hot pepper.

Mix all ingredients and check the mixture for “hotness”. To do this, simply apply a little scrub to your wrist. If it gets too hot, you need to add more olive oil.

Apply the scrub to the body with gentle movements, leave for no more than ten minutes, and rinse with cool water. After the procedure, apply moisturizing cream to your body.

Coffee wraps

In addition to using scrubs, coffee wraps are very effective in combating cellulite. The procedure can be carried out using the listed recipes, combining coffee with honey, oatmeal, and cosmetic clay.

Wraps must be carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Prepare a coffee mixture for the procedure.
  2. Take a hot bath to steam your body.
  3. Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin.
  4. Wrap the body in cling film. You can wear a warm robe or cover yourself with a blanket to achieve a greenhouse effect.
  5. The duration of the procedure is from 30 minutes to an hour.
  6. Unroll the film and wash off the composition.

After just a few sessions of this coffee wrap, you will see that cellulite has begun to disappear, the skin has tightened and become more elastic.

Coffee and clay mask

One of the best recipes for the wrapping procedure is a mask made from ground coffee and cosmetic clay. You can take any clay - black, blue, green.

To prepare such a mask you will need the following components:

  1. 2–3 tablespoons of cosmetic clay;
  2. 2 tablespoons of ground coffee;
  3. water (preferably mineral).
  1. In a glass or ceramic bowl, you need to mix the clay with warm water (preferably mineral) until it becomes mushy.
  2. Add the same amount of ground coffee or coffee cake (if coffee cake is added, the result will be less effective due to the beneficial substances lost during coffee brewing).
  3. Mix everything thoroughly. The anti-cellulite mask is ready.
  4. After taking a hot bath, apply the resulting mixture to the body and wrap with film.
  5. The duration of the procedure is about an hour.
  6. Wash off with warm water.

To achieve positive results, you need to carry out wraps at least twice a week for a month.

Tips and tricks for using coffee scrubs and masks

It is recommended to follow some rules when preparing and using anti-cellulite products based on natural coffee. These valuable tips will help you achieve the most positive results:

  1. for preparation, it is best to use finely or medium-ground ground coffee so as not to injure the skin;
  2. the use of instant coffee is unacceptable;
  3. using fresh coffee gives better results than using coffee grounds;
  4. Do not use coffee substitutes or coffee drinks;
  5. Before applying to the skin, it is important to test for an allergic reaction, especially if the scrub contains honey, pepper or aromatic oils;
  6. before using scrubs, you need to take a hot bath to steam the skin and open the pores;
  7. The scrub should be applied with gentle massage movements for 5–10 minutes, without stretching the skin;
  8. It is better to prepare the scrub in quantities sufficient for one use in order to preserve its beneficial properties to the maximum.


Advantages: 100% natural, cheap method, accessible to everyone, does not take much time, does not require much time, good for the whole body, simple, easy to use, removes cellulite and extra centimeters, effective I read a lot of positive reviews on the Internet about coffee, which eliminates cellulite. And since I myself am suffering from this problem, I decided to try it. My cellulite is not pronounced, but it is there and it is visible. I just had Jockey coffee at home. That's what I use. And so, to begin with, I lather my entire body with shower gel, then pour a little coffee on my hand and apply it first to my thighs, butt, stomach, and then to my entire body and begin to intensively massage problem areas until my hands are completely tired. When I wash off the scrub, I immediately feel the smoothness of my skin. You constantly want to touch her and touch her. Afterwards I apply any moisturizing lotion or cream to my body. Even my husband immediately felt the smoothness of my skin and was very surprised that coffee could do this. I have been doing this procedure for three weeks now. I didn’t hope for a miracle, but in vain! CELLULITE IS PRACTICALLY NOT VISIBLE. Even a little extra centimeters were removed. I'm incredibly happy about this! I will continue to make this scrub in the future. This is the best I've tried. Before I go into the shower, I also do a massage with silicone cups, and only then a coffee scrub. Be sure to try it and you won't regret it. This is a very effective and affordable product that really removes cellulite and extra centimeters.

Angel in the flesh

I take a salt bath every day))) for 15–20 minutes. Afterwards, when the body has steamed, I make a scrub from coffee and massage oil) ... First I rub one buttock, then the second. I take a special this one [link] and with it I begin to rub my buttocks with massage buttock for about 5 minutes and the second for 5 minutes))) the buttocks become red, the blood starts running :) After, I wash off this scrub with warm water WITHOUT SOAP AND SHOWER GEL . JUST WATER!) Then I wrap it with cling film: I also mix 3-4 teaspoons of coffee with massage oil (olive oil) and spread it on problem areas (in my case, buttocks). I dress warmly, sports pants, socks). And I go about my business from an hour to 2 hours..or just lie down..) Then I wash it off, also without soap and any shower gels) That’s all) And I do this procedure every day) I’m not lazy, I don’t want to be with cellulite thighs in summer, on the beach)


After giving birth, the problem of cellulite began to visit me) I tried different creams and store-bought scrubs. Afterwards, while showering, I used a homemade scrub. I took my favorite shower gel and added brewed ground coffee to it. Then I began to modernize and try different additives. In the end, this is what happened. The same ground coffee after brewing. I add 2 tablespoons of sea salt and grapefruit pulp to it. This is already a turbulent mixture, but for fun, I also add a few drops of orange essential oil. (I love citrus fruits) After this procedure, I generously lubricate the skin with nourishing cream, and you are guaranteed smooth skin. More details on Otzovik:


You can prepare coffee scrubs with various ingredients - mixing coffee with honey, cinnamon, yogurt, sea salt, oatmeal and cosmetic clay. You can experiment by adding different aromatic oils. Each of the oils has its own unique properties and will enhance the results of coffee scrubs. When using home remedies against cellulite, do not forget about a balanced diet, giving up bad habits and playing sports. Cosmetics made with coffee will help your skin regain its youth, beauty, make it elastic, silky and radiant.

Make your own anti-cellulite coffee scrub - 4 simple recipes

Coffee is one of the most popular remedies for cellulite. Scrubs based on it remove dead skin cells and cleanse pores, activate blood circulation, enhance metabolism, allowing you to successfully fight the “orange peel”. Coffee is often included in industrial anti-cellulite cosmetics, but you can make an effective scrub based on it yourself.

Anti-cellulite properties of coffee

Coffee is a two-in-one remedy that affects cellulite. Small particles of coffee beans provide an “abrasive” scrubbing effect, clean and massage the skin, and increase blood flow to problem areas. And the caffeine they contain acts as an active ingredient. He:

  1. dilates blood vessels, activating blood circulation and preventing varicose veins;
  2. accelerates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer, helping to “burn” deposits;
  3. removes excess fluid, reducing swelling and reducing the volume of problem areas;
  4. improves the functioning of the lymphatic system, helps get rid of slagging from the body;
  5. activates collagen production and improves skin tone, making it smooth and elastic.

Choosing coffee for making a coffee scrub for cellulite

The effectiveness of the finished coffee scrub for cellulite will largely depend on the quality of the coffee chosen for preparing this product and the concentration of caffeine in it. That is why only natural coffee is used to prepare anti-cellulite products; instant coffee granules are not suitable. There will be no effect from decaffeinated coffee or “healthy food” coffee drinks containing chicory or grains.

The best base for a coffee scrub is considered to be freshly ground green coffee. Unroasted beans that have not been exposed to high temperatures have the highest caffeine content. In addition, they contain:

  1. essential oils that activate metabolism,
  2. chlorogenic acid, which has a fat-breaking effect,
  3. vitamins and antioxidants that improve skin condition.

If it is not possible to use green coffee, regular medium-roast black coffee will also work for making a scrub. For cosmetic purposes, both finely ground coffee is used (coarsely ground beans can damage the skin) and dried coffee grounds drained from the bottom of a cup or coffee pot (drunk coffee) - provided that the coffee was brewed without sugar, cream or other flavoring additives.

Compared to ground coffee, coffee grounds are not as effective because they contain less caffeine. However, it is less damaging to delicate skin, so this option is best preferred for those with dry or sensitive skin.

For cosmetic purposes, it is better not to use coffee that has expired - when stored for a long time, it “fizzles out”, losing its beneficial properties.

How to make a coffee scrub for cellulite

Spilled or ground coffee can be used for scrubbing in its pure form. To do this, mix a handful of coffee directly in the palm of your hand with a small amount of warm water or shower gel and apply to damp, previously cleansed body skin. After this, the problem areas are gently massaged with the palm of your hand, a massage mitt or a soft washcloth.

But if you mix coffee with other homemade anti-cellulite remedies, the procedure will be much more effective.

Coffee-salt scrub

Sea salt is an excellent natural anti-cellulite remedy; it exfoliates the skin well, removes excess moisture and reduces the volume of deposits. To combat “orange peel”, you need to choose finely ground salt - large crystals can seriously injure the skin, negating the positive effect. To prepare a coffee-salt scrub you will need:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. coffee,
  2. 2 tbsp. l. salt,
  3. 1 tbsp. l. olive or castor oil,
  4. 2-3 drops of citrus essential oil (orange, grapefruit, lemon).

Mix coffee with salt, add oil, wait a few minutes for the salt crystals to “disperse” a little - and treat problem areas. This mixture can be used not only for scrubbing, but also for home anti-cellulite wraps.

Anti-cellulite scrub with coffee and sugar

Sugar scrubs are a very popular home cosmetic product, and using sugar “in tandem” with coffee gives a good anti-cellulite effect. To prepare such a scrub, take equal quantities:

  1. regular granulated sugar
  2. ground or drunk coffee,
  3. any basic vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, grape seed, jojoba, etc.).

This coffee body scrub recipe not only fights cellulite, but also nourishes and softens the skin. Therefore, a coffee-sugar scrub is often recommended for skin prone to dryness.

Coffee and honey scrub

This recipe combines two powerful active ingredients at once - coffee fights cellulite, and honey tightens the skin and helps get rid of stretch marks. To prepare this scrub, coffee is mixed with natural honey in a 1:2 ratio. If your skin is dry or prone to flaking, you can “soften” the composition by adding a nourishing body cream.

The mixture is applied to steamed skin and rubbed in circular motions into problem areas.

Soft oatmeal coffee scrub

For delicate skin prone to irritation, you can make a delicate but at the same time effective scrub by mixing:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. drunk coffee,
  2. 2 tbsp. l. oat flour or small oat flakes,
  3. 1 tbsp. sour cream or natural yogurt without flavoring additives.

Using this soft coffee anti-cellulite scrub at home helps reduce the “orange peel” and burn fat, while at the same time moisturizing and toning the skin.

How to use homemade coffee anti-cellulite scrub

If you scrub regularly over several months, the appearance of cellulite will noticeably decrease, and your skin will become smoother and firmer. However, to do this, you need to use coffee against cellulite with caution. Even if you want to speed up the process of getting rid of the “orange peel” as much as possible, you cannot use scrubs every day - the skin will become thinner, become irritated, and inflammation may begin. For normal or oily skin, you can do procedures with coffee 2-3 times a week, treating each problem area for 3-4 minutes. For dry skin, it is better to reduce the frequency of treatments to once a week, and massage the skin for no longer than a couple of minutes.

To make the effect of the procedure more noticeable:

  1. Before using the scrub, steam your skin in the bath or shower, or massage with a hot towel;
  2. massage your thighs from bottom to top, stomach and gluteal muscles in a circular motion;
  3. if problem areas include your hands, treat them from hand to shoulder;
  4. use massage mittens;
  5. after the procedure, be sure to use moisturizers;
  6. treat cellulite comprehensively, combining scrubs with wraps, masks and other products.

Dear readers, many of us prefer handmade products to purchased cosmetic products, especially when it comes to delicate exfoliation and nourishing of the skin. Today I will tell you how to make an anti-cellulite coffee body scrub at home for the purpose of losing weight, using ground coffee or grounds, and several useful recipes.

Those who have not yet tried this product will find out why it is good and will be able to try it in their own care. Well, those knowledgeable in home cosmetology will remember the pleasant procedure and, perhaps, learn something new.

Benefits of coffee scrub ↑

It is not surprising that coffee for the body has long won the hearts of many women around the world. Ladies have been using this simple and effective remedy to maintain their beauty since time immemorial. A scrub made from ground coffee is the same age as such universal beauty products as olive or coconut oil.

Because of all the scrub manufacturers, it is worth paying attention to Mulsan cosmetic, because they make completely natural cosmetics. Their products do not contain parabens, sulfates, or silicones. One of the popular products is the coffee body scrub Coffee – Break Scrub. It not only makes the skin soft and tender, but also gets rid of stretch marks and cellulite, as it contains coffee beans, rosemary extract, grape seed oil and cosmetic clay. One jar of such a scrub is equal in cost to the same volume of homemade products. Therefore, if preparing a scrub at home seems too complicated for you, you can order Coffee – Break Scrub on the Mulsan cosmetics website.

Properties of coffee ↑

Why has it never given up its positions over the millennia? And all because of its amazing properties, which I will list below:


Thanks to its structure, coffee perfectly exfoliates, gently removing a layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis. This helps open the pores and improve the penetration of nutrients into them, which in turn improves tone.


Coffee grounds are not only an abrasive that “cleanses” everything unnecessary and literally polishes the skin, but also an extremely effective nourishing and moisturizing agent due to the oils it contains. After applying the coffee scrub, you don’t need to use moisturizers - your skin will still feel great!

Anti-cellulite effect

Thanks to the massage, the lymphatic drainage effect is enhanced - toxins are removed from the body, and improved microcirculation allows you to use a scrub made from coffee grounds for cellulite.

The surface of the skin is smoothed and tightened, and the skin itself becomes more elastic. Caffeine has long been a proprietary ingredient in many anti-cellulite body creams. Also like this Scrub helps get rid of stretch marks .

Environmental friendliness and safety

A contraindication to the use of a coffee scrub can only be personal intolerance and the occurrence of allergic reactions to coffee itself or its aroma.

In other cases, this absolutely natural natural remedy can be used by all categories of people, as well as women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Toning effect

With the correct technique of use, coffee peeling makes the skin more well-groomed, giving it a golden hue. If used regularly, you can change the shade by 1 - 1.5 tones.


Unlike many industrial products, a homemade coffee scrub is accessible to everyone. Its effectiveness is superior to store-bought beauty products, and it is much easier to purchase ground coffee, because it is sold in every grocery store.

Strong arguments for using a coffee grounds scrub, right?

What coffee should I use to make a scrub? ↑

Let's figure out what kind of coffee is good for preparing peeling:

Ground sleeping

The grounds remaining in the Turk after brewing coffee are perfect for preparing any homemade scrubs based on it.

If there is no time, it can be used on its own, without adding additional ingredients, since the consistency allows you to apply the mass directly to the skin without fear of injuring the epidermis.

You can also use the grounds from a coffee machine.

Ground dry black

We add grains ground in a mill as a dry component directly in powder form to various body scrub recipes. I prefer this option!

Ground dry green

Green, that is, raw coffee beans are much healthier than roasted ones. They contain more nutrients, vitamins and microelements. They have a greater antioxidant and tonic effect, significantly rejuvenate and smooth the skin surface.

Just like powder from black coffee beans, ground green coffee beans are added dry or steamed for subsequent use in home scrubs.

What else you need to know when using a coffee scrub ↑

But before we look at some of the most popular natural peeling options, let's remember the immutable rule: exfoliating with a scrub more than twice a week is strictly not recommended.

Those with dry, sensitive body skin can use coffee grounds no more than once every 8-10 days.

Otherwise, instead of positive results, we risk getting injured, overdried epidermis with increased sensitivity to external irritants.

How to make a coffee body scrub at home ↑

This is one of the most frequently requested types of peeling, and it is not surprising, because according to statistics, every second woman after 20 faces the problem of uneven skin on the thighs and buttocks.

Coffee body scrub for cellulite: recipe No. 1 ↑

  1. Brew 2 tbsp. freshly ground black or green coffee 2 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. You can also use fresh grounds.

Apply it in a circular motion to dry (!) skin of problem areas and gently massage for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and immediately apply a body moisturizer - cream or oil.

Plus This procedure is that it has a pronounced tightening and toning effect.

Minus: when used on dry skin, the scrub can injure it, so in the hot season it is better not to use it before sunbathing.

Anti-cellulite coffee body scrub: recipe No. 2

  1. Combine 1 tbsp. ground green coffee (no need to brew it to retain more nutrients) with 1 tbsp. warm olive oil.
  2. Add 10 drops of orange essential oil.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes for the mixture to infuse.

Apply a scrub of coffee and oils to a damp body, rub it in with massage movements, paying special attention to the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Then we wash everything off with warm water, or best of all, a contrast shower, intensively rub the body with a towel to increase blood circulation, then apply anti-cellulite cream.

Coffee, salt, oil - scrub for weight loss: recipe No. 1 ↑

  1. In equal proportions, for example 1 tbsp. Mix pre-steamed black ground coffee with sea salt and olive oil.
  2. Mix with a wooden stick and apply to the body.

Massage gently for several minutes, then leave for 1-2 minutes or as long as possible (salt may sting) to enhance the drainage effect.

Rinse off with warm water and immediately lubricate the wet body with cosmetic oil and only then gently blot the water with a towel.

DIY coffee scrub: recipe No. 2 for weight loss ↑

The following combination works great:

  1. brew 1 tbsp. ground coffee,
  2. add 1 tbsp. olive oil,
  3. 8 drops of juniper essential oil,
  4. 2 drops of lemon ether.

Mix the mixture well and apply to the body steamed in a hot bath or sauna.

Massage for 5 minutes, paying special attention to problem areas, and wash off the mixture with a contrast shower.

Moisturizing coffee scrub with honey ↑

This is one of the most gentle coffee scrub recipes and if you are not allergic to any of the components, we recommend using it especially for those with dry sensitive skin.

To prepare it, it is better to take green coffee, so the peeling will be even more effective.

  1. If the honey is hard, melt it in a water bath and measure out 1.5-2 tbsp.
  2. 1 tbsp. Mix ground green coffee without steaming into honey in powder form and leave for 15 minutes.

Apply to a damp body and gently massage the skin for about a minute, then leave the mask on for as long as it is comfortable to endure, from 1.5 to 3 minutes and rinse with warm (not hot!) water.

Keeping the scrub on the skin is necessary so that the nutrients from honey and green coffee have time to penetrate the upper layers of the epidermis.

Nourishing coffee scrub ↑

We offer a scrub whose aroma is worthy of a coffee shop, and whose moisturizing properties are worthy of the best spa salons.

Nourishing scrub: recipe No. 1

  1. Melt 1 tbsp in a water bath. cocoa butter, mix with 1 tbsp. ground coffee, add 5 drops of lavender or ylang-ylang essential oil (optional).
  2. Mix and apply to the body.

Gently massage the skin and then rinse with warm water. Immediately after this, we finish the water procedures so as not to wash off the oil.

Esters will enhance the moisturizing effect, but even without them, after using such a scrub, you don’t need to use body cream - cocoa butter is a good moisturizer in itself.

Coffee scrub at home: recipe No. 2 to nourish the skin

  1. Combine 2 tbsp. coffee grounds with the same amount of heavy cream. It is better not to use 10%, since they will be of little use in this case.
  2. Stir until smooth and warm up a little, you want the mixture to be warmer than the skin.

Apply it to the steamed body with massage movements, leave for 1-2 minutes, rinse and, if necessary, apply a moisturizing cosmetic.

This creamy coffee scrub will become an indispensable tool in the fight against dry skin in cold weather.

Coffee scrub for tanning ↑

To be fair, this is more of a mask than an exfoliant, so we are preparing in advance for the fact that we will have to keep the composition on the skin longer than a regular peeling.

Whichever of the options below we choose, you need to choose very finely ground coffee or make it yourself in a mill.

Of course, you won’t get such a bright shade as from a self-tanner, but a light golden color is guaranteed. This is especially true in the spring, when many young ladies suffer from their complexion and body being too “faded” during the winter.

Well, a wonderful refreshing and tonic effect is guaranteed as a bonus.

Homemade tanning scrub: recipe No. 1

  1. Combine cocoa powder and coffee in equal proportions (2 tablespoons each), mix and add warm water to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Apply the mask in an even layer, treating the knees and elbows last.

Leave a healthy tanning mask on the body for at least 5 minutes, then wash it off and immediately apply a light lotion.

Unlike classic scrubbing, this procedure can be carried out once every 3-4 days to achieve a more lasting coloring effect.

Coffee tanning scrub: recipe No. 2

Designed for those with dry, dehydrated skin.

  1. 3-4 tbsp. Mix coffee grounds with olive oil to the consistency of sour cream and apply with soft massage movements to the entire body, previously treated with peeling or a washcloth.
  2. Keep it for 8 to 10 minutes.

Since it contains oil, this mask will not cause discomfort; on the contrary, the skin will become soft and tender after it. Before washing off the coffee tanning scrub, massage your body with it again.

We rinse with cool water and, without applying any moisturizers after the shower, calmly get dressed. Olive oil moisturized well.

Let's use a proven product to provide your feet with truly royal care and prepare a scrub based on grounds, honey and mint oil.

Coffee foot scrub ↑

The combination of menthol coolness, the nutritional properties of honey and coffee exfoliant will provide your feet with a magnificent look, and will return you to good health and lightness after a whole day in heels.

  1. Melt ½ tbsp in a water bath. honey,
  2. pour 2 tsp into it. coffee powder or 1 tbsp. grounds,
  3. add 5 drops of mint essential oil,
  4. mix and massage the steamed feet, starting from the toes, moving up to the ankles.

We treat both legs in this way, then hold the scrub for another minute and rinse with warm water. Finally, moisturize the skin with cream.

Coffee scrub: reviews after use ↑

Reviews about the coffee body scrub are the most flattering. Many ladies like this procedure not only for the opportunity to carry it out at home without leaving anywhere, but, of course, for the wonderful cosmetic effect.

The skin feels rested, refreshed, and with regular use, tone returns and elasticity increases.

Of course, a coffee scrub will not get rid of stretch marks or cellulite without complex therapy, but if you use it regularly in combination with other methods of dealing with these troubles, the result will not be long in coming!

But even with such a seemingly guaranteed safe and natural remedy as a coffee scrub, difficulties can arise.

What should you do if bubbles appear on your body after scrubbing? ↑

If rashes appear on your body after a cosmetic procedure, you must:

  1. Contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. Only a doctor will be able to determine their cause, which may be a reaction to the components of the scrub, or a skin disease, for example, herpes.
  2. You should not self-medicate and try to make a diagnosis, this can only worsen the picture.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze or puncture bubbles (rashes) or lubricate them with anything. Skin reactions to cosmetic components can be the most unpredictable.

Dear ladies, treat yourself to a fragrant coffee scrub at home! Be healthy and beautiful!