
Antidotes are devices or programs that are designed to protect computer systems from malicious software (viruses, Trojans, worms, etc.). They work on the principle of detecting and blocking attempts by malware to penetrate a computer system.

Antidotes can be installed on both servers and workstations. They can be either hardware or software. Hardware antidotes are special devices that are installed on a computer and work in real time. Software antidotes are installed on the operating system and work in the background, detecting and blocking attempts to penetrate malware.

One of the most common types of antidotes is antivirus programs. They scan files and system resources for malware and remove them. There are also anti-phishing antidotes that check emails for signs of fraud.

However, it must be remembered that antidotes are not a panacea for all types of malware, and cannot always protect a computer system from all threats. Therefore, to ensure the security of a computer system, it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach that includes antidotes, firewalls, regular software updates and other precautions.

Do you play Counter-Strike, but keep losing your favorite game? You know the situation when you play for twenty hours straight, and the team continues to lose? You realize there is a reason why things are going wrong and you want to find out. This is where antidotes come into the picture!

Antidotes in computer games are people who are confident in their exceptional competence within a certain game and place themselves above other players. They rely on their rich history of experience and do not want to listen to others because in their eyes they are at the top of their game.

However, in addition to the fact that such people are simply arrogant and overconfident, antidotes can also lead to disastrous consequences for teams. Their behavior can greatly slow down the team's progress, and the players, despite their best efforts, will not feel that they were able to achieve certain results. This happens because antidotes prevent other players from playing