
Antimalarials (antimalarial therapy) are medications (drugs) prescribed to prevent and treat malaria. In Russia, more than 6 million cases of malaria are registered annually, the main carriers of which are mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. Prevention of this disease consists of eliminating mosquito breeding sites and applying chemoprophylactic agents to exposed skin (or destroying the vector, mosquitoes). Chemoprophylactic treatment is also prescribed before leaving for endemic regions, which reduces the risk of the disease by 98%.

In Russia, malaria is found everywhere, with the exception of the Far North. The name of the diseases comes from the names of the geographical areas in which they appeared, but to date, most cases are imported from the countries of Africa and South America, where foci of tropical malaria and malaria ovale, respectively, remain. Malaria occurs in the European part of the country, mainly in the south and southeast, in the desert-steppe territories of western Crimea. Malaria infection can infect humans when visiting endemic areas in West and Central Africa, Central and South America. Also, the pathogen can enter the body not only through the bite of blood-sucking insects, but also through a blood transfusion from an infected person or during surgical procedures.

Malaria prevention includes: protection (measures