Antiseptic face powder

Caring for problem skin is always a difficult task. To prevent cosmetic products from harming the epidermis, powder for problem skin must be of very high quality, not causing irritation and not clogging pores.

Many dermatologists advise girls to replace thick foundations and creams with light powder during periods of exacerbation of skin problems.

For girls with combination or problem skin, a light antibacterial powder with a cream base will help hide all imperfections. The main advantage of cream powder is that it has a mattifying effect. You can apply the product to the skin with a dry brush or damp sponge.

Light loose powder with shimmering particles suitable for winter.

After all, in summer, oily skin itself is prone to excessive shine. In the hot season, opt for dry mattifying powder, which will hide imperfections rather than focus attention on them. A good option for everyday use is also a compact combination powder.

A modern solution in the world of cosmetology is high-quality baked powder. It can be recognized by its light texture, which lies on the face in a thin layer. This antiseptic powder is consumed quite slowly, so it will last you a long time.

But the best option for problem skin is, without a doubt, a mineral coating.

It very carefully hides enlarged pores, signs of rosacea, reddish blood vessels, pimples, acne and rashes. At the same time, the matting composition is completely harmless. The fact is that this cosmetic product does not contain chemical elements, but useful minerals.

Composition and properties

High-quality powder contains ingredients that do not clog enlarged pores, but only nourish the skin and make the face healthier in appearance. Using the right powder on problem skin will allow you to tidy it up. Compact powder for combination or oily skin makes the surface of the epidermis cleaner and helps to cope with the problem of unattractive oily shine.

Which one to choose

When choosing cosmetics for your face, you need to pay attention to several parameters at once. First of all, such a product must be marked “non-comedogenic” on the label.

But when you see this word, don’t immediately buy the product. Read the ingredients to make sure there are no oils. But the presence of antibacterial components, on the contrary, should please you. After all, this means that during the day your skin will be protected from all kinds of bacteria and germs.

A good powder should also have at least a minimum level of sun protection - SPF-15. In this case, you can feel comfortable in the heat without any additional creams and lotions.

You also need to take into account that even budget powder should be hypoallergenic. If you are concerned about foreign odors, then the product will definitely not suit you. It is best, of course, to opt for light mineral powder. This camouflage base will create a thin layer on the surface of the face that hides pimples, acne and irritation. Enriched with zinc and minerals, this powder will definitely benefit you.

How to use it correctly

Perhaps all girls know from childhood how to properly powder their nose. But if you have problem skin, then you need to take into account some features of your epidermis.

In general, powder is divided into two main types: compact and loose. The second option is used at home. The fact is that it needs to be carefully shaded, and the powdery base is not very convenient to use. It is applied to the face using a brush. But the compact powder can be easily blended using the included sponge.

But before you start applying powder, make sure your skin is as clean as possible.

To do this, you can use a scrub (either purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home). After this procedure, treat the skin with a cotton pad soaked in tonic or micellar water.

The fact is that if you have any flaking on your skin, then powder will only emphasize them. Therefore, cleanse the skin of dead particles and only then apply a powder foundation to it. This should be done using a wide brush. Blend the powder over your skin using smooth circular movements. You need to move from the central part of the cheekbones and towards the neck.

Rating of the best brands and reviews

Nowadays, whoever produces powder for problem skin: Korean brands, luxury brands and budget companies. But some products have become so popular that almost every person even slightly interested in cosmetics knows about them. Let's look at the top popular companies that produce products that can be used even despite the presence of pimples, rashes and other problems.


Powder from Clinique is a guaranteed quality skin care product. This product will help you make your complexion more even. A thin layer will hide minor redness, signs of rosacea, enlarged pores and a slight oily sheen. At the same time, the result will remain on the skin throughout the whole day.

Clinique is a brand that values ​​the quality of all the elements that go into their products. Therefore, when buying such powder, you can be sure that it will not only not harm you, but will also treat minor rashes. The right combination of components makes the product mattifying and nourishing. This means that the makeup ends up looking natural and natural.

Review of Clinique Stay-matte powder from a blogger - in the video.


Products from Vichy also deserve attention. Mineral compositions cleanse pores and saturate the skin with useful microelements. Products from Vichy even out your complexion in just a few strokes of the brush. They can be used even without foundation.

The Vichy company positions itself as one of the leading manufacturers of cosmetics for healthy skin. In just a few weeks of regular use, this cosmetic product will make your face closer to perfection. This fact is confirmed by a huge number of girls and women who have seen this in practice and shared their experience with their friends.


Perhaps the most budget-friendly product on the entire list is antibacterial powder from Essence. This powder with a light texture is perfect for young girls and teenagers with problem skin. With its help, you can get a beautiful and even complexion without spending too much money and time.

And compact products from Essence in convenient packaging will become an indispensable addition to your travel cosmetics bag. After all, with this product you will look well-groomed and natural even after a sleepless night or a long and exhausting journey.

Those with problem skin know how difficult it is to choose a foundation that will last a long time, hide existing imperfections and will not provoke new ones. Mineral powder is ideal for these purposes. The evidence is below.

  1. Features of mineral powder for problem skin
  2. Classification of mineral powder
  3. How to choose mineral powder for problem skin
  4. Application rules

Features of mineral powder for problem skin

Tinted mineral products are a relatively new category of cosmetics, which are immediately appreciated by those with sensitive, oily and problem skin. Indeed, mineral-based decorative products have several important advantages. They are based on natural pigments, namely minerals crushed into fine powder, which do not cause skin irritation and can have a healing effect.

“The mineral particles are chemically inert and too large, so they do not react with the tissues of the human body and do not provoke additional problems. At the same time, the micro- and macroelements included in such products can improve the quality of the skin: soothe, strengthen, improve tissue trophism and oxygen exchange.” Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy

Oily and problem skin is the most grateful consumer of mineral powder, which combines almost all the qualities necessary for perfect makeup, that is:

does not clog pores;

does not provoke rashes;

absorbs excess sebum;

protects from the sun.

The palette of mineral powders does not have a wide range, since the minerals themselves have a faded tint. But such products have good coverage and give a natural result.

Mineral powder has almost infinite shelf life, since minerals do not oxidize and are not of interest to bacteria, and this is an additional bonus for skin prone to rashes.

Classification of mineral powder

Cream powder

Contains both cream and powder components, has a plastic texture, fits well, provides dense coverage and successfully masks imperfections. This product is not, and cannot be, purely mineral, since the formula includes components that provide it with a creamy texture.

Make sure that the cream powder does not contain comedogenic ingredients, in particular mineral oils. Apply it with a sponge or beauty blender, which will have to be washed after each use so as not to harm the skin, which already has enough problems.

Loose powder

The most popular option, which is nothing more than minerals crushed into fine powder. This powder will not be able to completely cover imperfections, but it will fix makeup and absorb excess sebum throughout the day, providing a long-lasting matte effect.

According to the rules, the powder must be applied with the supplied powder puff or brush. But to ensure sterility, which is so important for problem skin, it is better to use cotton pads.

Compact powder

With its help, you can correct your makeup throughout the day and provide your skin with another portion of beneficial minerals. You won't be able to get by with just one compact powder. You will have to deal with pimples separately - mask them with concealers with a healing effect, and only then even out the tone with powder applied in two layers.

Remember to keep your sponge or brush perfectly clean.

Baked powder

This powder is really baked at high temperatures. It is durable and can be applied dry or wet (for a denser coating). However, baked powder, as a rule, contains shining particles, and problem skin does not need excess shine. So it's better to do without it.

How to choose mineral powder for problem skin

Mineral cosmetics are good because they contain minimum additional components. The therapeutic effect depends on the minerals that form its basis.

Silicon reduces sebum production.

Kaolin, perlite absorb excess sebum.

Copper and zinc have an antibacterial effect.

Manganese and magnesium activate blood circulation, improve complexion.

Selenium protects against free radicals.

Calcium soothes and protects.

Iron enhances gas exchange.

Titanium dioxide reflects ultraviolet light.

When choosing mineral powder, look for additional ingredients: salicylic and/or lipohydroxy acids (LHA), plant extracts with antibacterial or astringent effects (witch hazel, tea tree).

It is desirable that the formula does not contain oils and at the same time be as flexible as possible, allowing it to even out not only the complexion, but also its relief.

Application rules

No matter how good mineral powder is, remember that its functions are primarily decorative, and care is only an additional option. Therefore, it is important to prepare your skin for applying makeup.

So, the skin should be:


Without exaggeration, cleanliness is the key to healthy skin prone to rashes. After washing, wipe your face with toner to restore pH and tighten pores.


Use oil-free products with an antibacterial effect that can moisturize the skin and not cause excess sebum secretion.

Moisturizing, mattifying, sebum-regulating emulsion Effaclar Mat, La Roche-Posay.

Corrective care against imperfections Normaderm 24h moisturizing, Vichy.

Before applying mineral foundation, wait until moisturizer is completely absorbed, otherwise it will form spots on the skin!

Mineral powder is applied in layers. Distribute the powder evenly over your face using a brush, sponge or cotton pad. Increase the number of layers until you get the desired result.

Dermablend Covermatte compact powder for normal to oily skin, SPF 25, Vichy. Mineral particles hide imperfections and mattify the skin, the effect will last up to 12 hours. The composition contains additional components that have a beneficial effect on oily skin with rashes: salicylic acid, zinc gluconate and vitamin E. Apply the powder in a circular motion from the center to the periphery of the face. You can add an additional layer to certain areas to better hide age spots, redness, and post-acne marks.

Purchasing cosmetics is not a pleasant experience for every woman. Those with problematic skin cannot use liquid foundations. They irritate and clog inflamed pores. Dry powders are not always the best solution. One of the most suitable options is mineral powder for problem skin.

Features of mineral powder

It will be an excellent choice for oily skin thanks to its special composition that helps cleanse pores and does not clog them. You may prefer products with triple-ground minerals, zinc oxide, gold or silk extract. They are distinguished by their smooth shape.

The following advantages of this powder are highlighted:

  1. evens out facial tone;
  2. masks minor rashes;
  3. ideal for oily skin, as it is able to maintain optimal fat balance.

This is a crumbly mixture that does not clog pores and even treats inflammation.

Mineral powder is of high quality. Therefore, it should be purchased only in trusted cosmetics stores and only from reliable brands. High cost does not always guarantee good quality. To make the right choice, you can look at the rating. You can also rely on reviews from those who have already used specific products.

Note! A good loose powder should not contain talc, bismuth oxychloride or titanium dioxide.


The best decorative cosmetics contain a variety of components. To choose the right powder, focus not only on the brand, but also on the composition.

  1. Mineral particles. They top the component rating. Antibacterial cosmetics contain them. As a result, an anti-inflammatory effect appears, imperfections are successfully masked, and the sebaceous glands are not clogged.
  2. Zinc oxide. This is an antibacterial component that has an anti-inflammatory effect and a drying effect.
  3. Boron nitrite. It refreshes and evens out the complexion.
  4. Light oils. They give a slight moisturizing effect. But if your skin is too oily, avoid such products.
  5. Diamond particles. They create shine and disguise imperfections well.
  6. Crushed silk. It gives a refreshing effect, disguises imperfections and gives radiance.
  7. Kaolin. This is a good ingredient for oily skin that successfully combats excess sebum and shine.
  8. Aluminosilicates. These are synthetic components that absorb excess sebum and moisture. They protect well from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  9. Plant extracts. They have anti-inflammatory and restorative effects. They also have antiseptic and astringent effects. You can choose a product with a suitable extract based on the rating.
  10. Collagen. They give elasticity and a fresh look.
  11. Calcium carbonate. It has whitening, cleansing and mattifying effects.

If you are planning to buy mineral powder, you should pay attention to the reviews. But it is important to consider that several women's skin may react differently to the same brands. Therefore, the best cosmetics differ for different women.

When choosing mineral powder, you can focus on this rating. But it is important that it suits your skin optimally. Please try using a small amount to test before purchasing.


This video tells and explains all the intricacies of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, then it is recommended to watch.