

Antithrombokinetic therapy is a therapeutic use of drugs aimed at reducing the aggregation and number of platelets in the blood. In addition to anticoagulants, this category of drugs includes thrombinase and trypsinase inhibitors (substances reduce the activity of these enzymes by inhibition).


Violation of tissue integrity is caused by the permeability of the vascular wall. Hemostasis disorders are often detected in pathologies associated with infectious diseases, immunopathology and autoimmune diseases. A thrombotic condition is found in vasculitis, acute and chronic blood flow. The basis for consulting a specialist is hemorrhage or bruising.

What is a blood clot?

**A thrombus** is a lumpy blood clot consisting of proteins (platelets, fibrin, thrombin-1), thromboxane A2 (arginine) and endothelial growth factors. The severity of aggregation is influenced by the factor of increased blood activity (sepsis, hypothermia, shock). The coagulation factor of the hemostasis system based on the regulation of coagulation is also considered important. That is why middle-aged people, often over 40 years of age, are especially prone to the formation of blood clots. For preventive purposes, antiplatelet agents can be used in treatment regimens.

*Among drugs that increase vascular permeability:*

- vitamins C, K. The use of these drugs improves fluidity and blood circulation in tissues. - disaggregants. Drugs in this category prevent oxygen starvation of tissues, thereby reducing the rate of tissue supply with blood. They are useful in preventing the appearance of trophic ulcers and wound surfaces. Disaggregants inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin mediators (prostaglandin, prostacyclins) in mucous cell membranes.

_Since the activity of platelets is closely interconnected with the work of the blood coagulation system, to speed up and improve the general condition, detoxification is carried out (alkalization of the blood composition and removal of toxins from the body).