Anti-aging cream black pearl

Almost every woman strives to preserve her youth. To do this, she uses various cosmetic products designed to force the cells of the epidermis to work, thereby maintaining the elasticity of the dermis. Many cosmetic companies produce products to preserve youth. One of them is the Yekaterinburg company Kalina and its dermal care products under the Black Pearl brand, which in their product line include a series of anti-aging facial skin care.


Black Pearl anti-aging creams have a lot of advantages, and they are quite competitive on the market compared to their Russian counterparts, and are in no way inferior to most imported products.

Designed specifically for aging skin, they do an excellent job with their assigned function. After their use, a feeling of comfort and moisture appears on the skin, the epidermal cells begin to work again in full force, giving the face a toned, healthy, radiant appearance.

All anti-aging series have several products that provide a comprehensive approach to skin care. Here you can find day and night creams, anti-aging serum for extra nutrition of the epidermis, cream for the skin around the eyes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Black Pearl creams have many positive aspects:

  1. This brand has been present on the cosmetic products market for about 20 years. It is very popular among customers.
  2. The first Russian company to divide the production of products depending on age, after which the product became the most effective.
  3. The huge range of cosmetics from this manufacturer makes it possible to choose the functionality of the cream that is necessary specifically for your skin.
  4. Products are divided not only into age groups, but also by time of year when you need to use this or that product.
  5. The composition includes natural ingredients that help maintain youthful skin, without aggressive effects.
  6. In addition to the main active elements, the composition includes vitamins and other substances that nourish your skin, forcing cells to work from the inside.
  7. Low price compared to imported analogues.
  8. Russian product.

The only negative side is the fragrance, which may not suit everyone. Although its smell is not cloying and dissipates quite quickly.

The entire range by age + composition

Black Pearl cosmetics presents several series aimed at combating age-related skin changes. Let's look at them in more detail.

This line is filled with seafood. Pearl proteins, royal kelp, sea minerals - all this is included in these care products. They take care of the dermis, giving it those necessary substances with the help of which the cells of the epidermis are filled with life. This cosmetics triggers the mechanisms of self-rejuvenation and self-healing of cells, returning elasticity and firmness to the oval of the face.

In them, as in all anti-aging series, there is a division of 26+, 36+, 46+, 56+. Each age has its own specific composition of marine elements. So, for the cream from 26 years old, the composition includes retinol, which helps stop aging and maintain youthful skin. Creams for mature ladies include hyaluronic acid and elastin, which tighten skin imperfections and help smooth out already formed wrinkles.

The Idilica cosmetics line is a new approach to rejuvenating your skin. All components of this series are 100% biocompatible. They easily penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, bringing there the maximum of essential vitamins and minerals. Marine cosmetics are the most current trend among cosmetic products.


Over time, our skin begins to fade, the first wrinkles appear, the dermis loses its elasticity, and the complexion deteriorates. This line will help you cope with this range of problems from the inside. Only Self-Rejuvenation gives safe and lasting results, prolonging your youth for many years. And the creams of this series, as the name implies, act precisely to force the cells of the fading dermis to work as in youth, while producing collagen and elastin in full. Using this line of anti-aging products, you do not need to be afraid of the withdrawal effect, since the cells are “awakened” and produce the missing elements themselves.

In addition to the main types of care products, the Self-Rejuvenation line includes BB creams, which are also divided according to the age characteristics of the skin. This product perfectly tones, hiding imperfections on the skin, and delightfully adapts to the complexion. It has a rejuvenating effect and is designed according to age. So, BB cream from 36 years has an excellent moisturizing effect. In addition to its toning function, it will nourish the skin with moisture, thereby helping to maintain the skin's moisture balance and prevent its premature aging. Product 46+ has a lifting effect. It perfectly smooths out wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face. BB cream for older people 56+ with a rejuvenating effect, it will start the process of self-rejuvenation, making your dermis several years younger, according to the sensations and perceptions of others.

In addition, these creams have several shades, the most popular being vanilla pink.


This line of anti-aging creams is designed specifically for use in summer. The cream itself has a light texture that will not cause discomfort even in the summer heat. In addition, this product has a UV filter, it will protect your dermis from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. This product contains extracts from medicinal plants and natural antioxidants that will help fight the signs of skin aging.

Adaptive cream expert

This line includes a face cream, which can be used both as day care and at night, and an eye cream. This product adapts to every area of ​​your skin. It finds those cells where natural metabolic processes are disrupted and corrects them. The epithelium is re-hydrated and restored. You get an excellent look for your dermis. Wrinkles are smoothed out from the inside. An excellent product for the décolleté and neck area, where the skin is particularly delicate and quickly loses its elasticity.

Particularly popular in this line is the expert cream for ladies over 56 years old. It perfectly fights age-related changes in the dermis, helps correct imperfections, even if the aging process has already started. Visibly tightens the oval of the face and copes even with deep wrinkles.

Basic care

The budget series of this company, which includes the entire range of facial skin care products. In addition to the day cream, here you can choose a night cream mask, facial washes, toners, moisturizing eye balm and much more. All products are also divided into age groups.

How to store

Black Pearl creams have a shelf life and, if the jar is closed, it is 3 years. But after the product is opened, the period of use of this product is reduced to 6 months. But this only applies to goods that are sold in a bank. For serums, expert cream and other types of products that are sold in sealed packaging, the shelf life lasts for 36 months.

It is recommended to store creams at room temperature no higher than 25 degrees in a dark place to avoid direct sunlight, which can destroy the beneficial active ingredients of these products.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Anti-aging creams Black Pearl are in great demand among customers. But not only ordinary people fell in love with this product. Professional cosmetologists, having analyzed the composition of the product and practically tested its effect, came to the conclusion that creams of this brand actually have an excellent effect on aging skin. This product heals and rejuvenates the dermis from the inside, preserving its youth for many years.

The program for people aged 60 years and older is an indispensable care for the skin of elderly ladies, especially since purchasing Black Pearl products is not very expensive, even for people with a small pension. With Black Pearl products you can always remain young and beautiful regardless of age.

For a review of the Black Pearl Bio-program cream, watch the video:

Everyone knows that skin needs to be cared for, nourished and moisturized. And you need to start care procedures as early as possible. The fact is that over the years the body reduces collagen production, and, as a result, the dermis loses its elasticity and well-groomed appearance. You can use moisturizers from the age of sixteen. The older you get, the more opportunities for skin care modern pharmacology provides us with. The only question is which is the best product to choose.

In this article we will talk about the line of the Russian manufacturer - Black Pearl creams. Customer reviews of this product are mostly positive, but what do cosmetologists think about this product? Let's talk about this below.

Advantages of Black Pearl products over other brands

According to reviews, Black Pearl cream is one of the leading brands on the domestic market. This fact cannot be ignored by ordinary buyers, since indeed, if we compare the turnover of imported brands and the domestic brand, the numerical indicators will be approximately at the same level. Consequently, for more than sixteen years, women have trusted the brand and bought its products.

According to reviews, the Self-Rejuvenation cream from Black Pearl is the most popular among other types of products. But the “Bio”, “Expert”, “Idylica” series are also bought by women of all ages. The products owe such attention and popularity, first of all, to the price. A fairly affordable price tag makes creams and serums of the domestic brand accessible to both unemployed students and pensioners. Any woman, regardless of age, wants to look more beautiful and younger than her age. Realizing this fact, cream manufacturers make prices for any unit of each series no more than 300 rubles.

The second advantage of the Black Pearl bio-cream, according to reviews, is the use of exclusively natural ingredients in the production of products. Hyaluronic acid, collagen, pearl extracts, oils, flower and plant extracts have a soft and gentle effect on the dermis. The absence of active and unnatural chemical ingredients makes the brand's products work gently and not aggressively.

What ingredients are used in the production of creams and serums?

Before you start getting acquainted with Black Pearl products, if you have not tried them yet, it would be a good idea to find out exactly what ingredients are used in the cream recipes. The main functions of Black Pearl products can be called protective, moisturizing and supporting. Hydration is provided by hyaluronic acid, hydrovanse, and proteins. Laminaria, ultraviolet complexes, shea butter and chestnut provide skin protection. Nutrition is provided by lotus, aloe, orchid extracts, jojoba oils, avocado and almonds. In addition, various complexes of Black Pearl creams, according to reviews, include microelements, vitamins, and omega acids.

If we talk about the series presented to combat age-related changes, the cream contains amino acids, collagen, proteins, keratin, panthenol, and retinol. As you can see, the composition of the Black Pearl brand products is completely natural and understandable even to a person without chemical education.

Product range "Black Pearl"

The creators of the product are rightly confident that a certain type of care is suitable for each age. Therefore, they created product lines for women of different ages, so that they could choose care individually depending on the needs and quality of the dermis.

The range of creams and serums is quite large. So that the buyer does not get confused in front of the store counter, each series is presented depending on the age range and quality of the skin for which the cream was created. The age interval is ten years, and this is no coincidence - with every decade, changes occur in the functioning of the body, affecting the appearance and internal fullness of the skin. Let's start the review of Black Pearl 26+ creams. Manufacturer reviews suggest that you need to start skin care at the age of twenty-six. That is why the series of caring cosmetics of this brand begins with an interval of 26+.

Series of creams “Black Pearl 26+”

What characterizes young skin? By the age of twenty-five, the dermis is still sufficiently moisturized by the body’s own forces thanks to the active production of collagen. The functioning of the sebaceous glands has already returned to normal; as a rule, there are no rashes or acne at this age. The skin of twenty-five-year-old girls is generally good, firm and elastic, the color is even and healthy. The only disadvantage of this age is the appearance of the first small facial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, lips, and forehead. Therefore, care should include additional nutrition plus cell regeneration to combat the first age-related changes.

According to reviews, the Black Pearl 26+ day cream boasts a unique recipe. Domestic cosmetologists note that the products contain a complex for skin regeneration at the cellular level. Thus, this product moisturizes the skin by acting externally, and also helps remove wrinkles by working from the inside. What's in it? According to reviews, Black Pearl cream is rich in antioxidants, shea butter, and hyaluronic acid, which are important components. This is a good, natural composition that will saturate and moisturize the skin with natural nutrients, giving care. The product should be applied to clean skin after cleansing. The price of the cream is from 130 rubles.

Night cream "Black Pearl 26+"

Another product in this series is called “Expert Night Cream” from Black Pearl. According to cosmetologists, this cream can be safely used from the age of twenty-five. Its main characteristic is that it is able to restore the elasticity of the dermis, while stimulating collagen production and nourishing the skin. Product price 120-150 rubles. Keep in mind that the sooner you start taking care of yourself and using cosmetics, the longer you will allow yourself to remain as young and unspoiled by age marks.

BB cream “Black Pearl”

This product is not created for any specific age and is suitable for women from 20 to 40 years old. If you are over 40, then you need a foundation that is denser in structure than this product can offer. BB cream from any manufacturer is a combination of the decorative qualities of foundation and a product for moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

This cream from Black Pearl, according to reviews, has a weightless but fairly transparent structure. If you do not have pronounced age spots or skin imperfections, then you can definitely try this product. The cream does not shine on the face and adapts to the natural color of the skin. As a caring agent, it increases the elasticity of the dermis and moisturizes it.

According to reviews from girls, the greatest advantage of this decorative product is that during the day you don’t feel it at all like a mask on your face. The masking properties of the product are not very pronounced, but the caring properties are at the level. Customers are especially positive about the affordable price, starting from 150 rubles.

Day cream “Black Pearl 36+”

After thirty-five years, cosmetologists recommend starting skin care even for those who do not notice any age-related changes. Moreover, doctors also advise paying attention not only to the skin of the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area. For this purpose, a universal expert cream “Black Pearl” was created for women over thirty-five years of age. According to reviews, this product has a fairly active effect on the skin due to aloe vera juice, almond and peach oils, as well as an active complex of natural acids. Women note that after a month from starting to use the product, old wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones do not appear. This cream can be used both in the morning before applying makeup and as a night cream.

As for eyelid skin care, you can choose the “Self-rejuvenation 36+” cream from “Black Pearl”. According to reviews, this product is convenient to use thanks to a special ball roller at the base of the tube. When the product is applied to the skin, thanks to the packaging device, you use massage movements to allow the active substances to penetrate as deep as possible into the dermis. The expert eye cream also contains aloe vera juice, antioxidants, and helps remove dark circles under the eyes and fine wrinkles.

Creams “Black Pearl” for 46+

After forty-five years, the main problem of a woman’s skin is drying out. It is due to the lack of natural collagen that wrinkles form, the skin sags, has a withered and stale appearance.

The cream “Black Pearl 46+” is designed to cope with this drawback. According to reviews, this product not only perfectly nourishes the epithelium, but also allows you to remove deep wrinkles from the face. Women note that wrinkles do not disappear completely. But it is obvious that they are becoming less deep and noticeable.

The product developers say that this cream adapts to a woman’s lifestyle and diet, providing the skin with proper care at any time of the day. This product, like the creams from the “36+” series, is recommended to be used not only for the face, but also for the décolleté and neck area. What's in it? The cream contains avocado and almond oil, vitamin P (rutin), hyaluronic acid and collagen. These components will provide a clearer facial contour, skin elasticity, and a healthy appearance. The price of creams from the “46+” series ranges from 150 to 200 rubles.

Expert cream for Y-zone “46+”

Not long ago, a new expert cream “Black Pearl” for the Y-zone appeared on store shelves, which promises to tighten the skin and return a clear oval to the face. Sagging skin in the Y-zone is perhaps the first thing that can reveal age more than other facial characteristics. After forty years, the collagen framework of the skin is lost due to changes in the functioning of hormones; hanging skin “jowls” appear in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks, which can be eliminated either by a cosmetologist’s needle or a surgeon’s scalpel.

However, pharmacists of the domestic brand promise to get down to business and, with the help of a special anti-aging complex, make the facial contour clear and toned. If we talk about this Black Pearl cream, then, according to reviews, it contains vitamin B3, hum disaccharide, fucus and undaria algae extract. This product can be characterized by the fact that it is easily absorbed, does not leave a greasy residue on the skin, and has a pleasant fragrance. Girls note that if you use the product daily for two weeks, the skin color improves, and the oval of the face actually becomes clearer. The price of the product is 200-250 rubles.

Age creams “Black Pearl 56+”

Of course, it is impossible to get rid of wrinkles with a cream. However, daily care can do a small miracle, namely smooth out wrinkles, ensure an even complexion, and make the contour clearer. After fifty-five years, pigment spots often appear on the skin, which can visually age even the dermis of not the worst quality. Black Pearl 56+ cream is aimed at solving these age-related problems. Reviews from cosmetologists about this product indicate the significant healing effect of the cream due to its carefully calibrated composition. The product contains proteins, avocado and jojoba oil, a special complex for tightening the skin. Also in the “56+” series of creams there is an eye cream “Black Pearl”. Reviews suggest using face and eye cream together for a synergistic effect.

“Night cream Self-rejuvenation 56+” is in particular demand. Women note that it has a greasy texture than the daily one, but is still absorbed well and quickly. It contains retinol, almond oil, and peptide complex. The price of a night cream for aging skin is about 160 rubles.

“Idilika” series for aged skin over 55 years old

This line from the Black Pearl brand is available in a slightly different form factor. Product packaging has a completely different design. But even in this case, we can say that the composition of the creams is completely natural. The products of this line are created for women over fifty-five years old and are designed to eliminate age-related changes. The composition of Idilika products includes seaweed, pearl proteins, and amino acids. These Black Pearl creams and serums, according to reviews, are aimed at activating cell regeneration processes and enhancing the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Products of the “Idilika” line from the “Black Pearl” brand are more expensive, starting from about 270 rubles per unit.

The opinion of cosmetologists about Black Pearl creams

If we talk about what Black Pearl products do for the skin, they work 100%. Nutrition, hydration, protection from harmful environmental influences - in this regard, creams really “work”. In addition, the effect on wrinkles is truly visible. Even deep mimic “cuts” on the skin become less pronounced after a month of using the cream. The line of Self-Rejuvenation creams from Black Pearl receives special praise. According to cosmetologists, this series eliminates pigment spots and makes the skin tone even and healthy. Even skin that looks dull becomes more elastic and healthy.

The most active cream is considered to be “Black Pearl 36+”. According to reviews, positive dynamics from the use of this product are noticeable within two weeks. It is also impossible not to note the positive effect of eye creams of all series. Thanks to the packaging in the form of a massage roller, the product is quickly absorbed, penetrates deeply into the dermis, eliminates puffiness and reduces drooping eyelids.

What customers say about the products

Of course, the first thing women pay attention to is the affordable price of products. No matter how good the cream is, if its cost is prohibitive, then not every woman can afford such a product. Black Pearl face creams, according to reviews, do not have this drawback; any woman can afford the products of this brand. The cost of creams and serums ranges from 150 to 300 rubles.

The second obvious advantage is that the products are manufactured according to domestic GOST standards. The composition of the creams is completely natural and understandable to anyone who does not even know pharmaceutical terminology.

The third advantage of purchasing Black Pearl products is the obvious and quick effect of the creams. Whatever the condition of your skin, if you choose the right care products, you will notice positive changes within two weeks from the start of use. They consist of evening out the tone, the disappearance of dryness, and the skin will look rested and fresh.

The expectation that wrinkles, especially deep ones, will smooth out is certainly in vain. No cream, even the most expensive, can cope with such a job. Meanwhile, small expression wrinkles will disappear, and deep age wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Collagen is a substance that helps maintain youth in the body. It rejuvenates cells, maintains firmness and elasticity of the skin. After 25 years, collagen production in the body slows down. Skin sagging, fatigue, dehydration, dryness, first wrinkles, and so on appear. The Black Pearl company has been producing anti-aging creams for women for 15 years. The brand is popular and known all over the world. Its quality and results can be compared with the most popular foreign manufacturers. The company produces a huge number of different types of products: according to skin type, age-related changes and season. Among such an assortment, any girl will find a suitable cream for herself. One of the company’s products is the “Self-Rejuvenation” face cream. It contains only natural ingredients that help saturate, nourish, moisturize, rejuvenate and treat the dermis. The ingredients penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, thereby helping the skin rejuvenate on its own. Thus, without chemical and surgical intervention, you can get rid of age-related changes for a long time.

The company also produces products for men's skin.

Composition of face cream Black Pearl “Self-rejuvenation”

The components in each Black Pearl product are divided into several groups. Each cream has its own special composition. You can find out about the Black Pearl refreshing tonic here.

There is a general list of substances that are necessarily included in the composition, performing the most basic functions:

  1. Hydration.
  2. Protection.
  3. Biological components.
  4. Natural vegetable oils.
  5. Vitamin complex.
  6. Rejuvenation.
Moisturizing Ingredients glycerin, hyaluronic acid, silk proteins, hydrovanse, pearl particles, aqualift
Components that protect the dermis chestnut, kelp, white tea extract, shea butter, allantoin, protective substances against ultraviolet rays, bio-complex of substances
Biological components omega acids, aloe extract, orchid extract, white lotus, caffeine
Natural vegetable oils jojoba, peach, lavender, avocado, macadamia, almond, sunflower
Vitamins vitamins: A, B, C, E, P; trace elements, retinol
Rejuvenation liquid collagen, keratin, elastin, amino acids, raffermin, panthenol, bio-complex substances, soy

How it works

A quick positive result from the product is achieved through the complete interaction of all components. They take turns acting, helping each other better influence the condition of the epidermis.

First, moisturizing components and natural oils begin to work. They moisturize and nourish the dermis, provide all the necessary minerals and trace elements, eliminate dryness and signs of dehydration. Thus, they open the passage of other components into the deeper layers of the dermis. Then the vitamin complexes of the anti-aging cream begin to take effect. They, in turn, consolidate the previously obtained result with additional vitamins, even out the tone, restore the top layer of the skin, and maintain water balance.

Then the process of rejuvenation and restoration begins. Collagen, along with other substances, rejuvenates cells, tightens wrinkles, removes sagging, eliminates expression lines, restores firmness and elasticity. You can choose a cream with collagen using the link. The anti-inflammatory complex treats acne, pimples, microcracks, restores the upper layer of the dermis, cleanses and tightens pores, restores the natural complexion, gives the skin smoothness and silkiness. Find out about the most effective creams after 45 here.

The final stage is the work of the protective components in one of the best anti-aging creams. They create an invisible thin film on the surface of the skin. It serves as a barrier between the environment and the dermis. Thus, the face is protected from ultraviolet rays, burns, heat, temperature changes, dust, dirt, sand and other things.

What does anti-aging night and day help with?

Cream Black Pearl “Self-rejuvenation” (day and night) helps to cope with the following problems:

  1. dehydration;
  2. flabbiness;
  3. chronic fatigue;
  4. circles under the eyes;
  5. uneven complexion;
  6. acne;
  7. acne, acne;
  8. allergic reactions, inflammation, irritation;
  9. burns, scars, cicatrices;
  10. wrinkles;
  11. loss of elasticity and firmness;
  12. facial wrinkles and cracks;
  13. dryness;
  14. dehydration;
  15. excessive sebum secretion;
  16. cell death;
  17. age spots, lentigo, chloasma.

The best anti-pigmentation creams are presented in this material.

Contraindications for the use of lifting cream

The component contains no toxins or allergens. It is completely safe and has no contraindications.

Individual intolerance to the components in the product is possible.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother really needs to additionally nourish and saturate her skin, rejuvenate it and treat it. While carrying a child, hormonal disruption begins and the body is rebuilt to nourish the baby.

Self-rejuvenation cream will help cope with the lack of vitamins, moisture and nutrition of the dermis. The product contains no harmful or toxic components. Therefore, the cream can and even should be used during pregnancy. It does not harm the fetus, but on the contrary, helps to gain a foothold, grow and develop better.

How to use: instructions for use

In order for the product to work and give excellent results, it is necessary not only to choose it correctly, but also to use it.

  1. Apply face cream after 40 years twice a day: morning and evening.
  2. Before applying, wash warm with cleansing gel or foam. You can make a light scrub.
  3. Then wipe your face with a tonic - it will help the cream to be absorbed better.
  4. Apply a thin, even layer over the entire face, neck and décolleté.
  5. Do not rinse off.
  6. Apply half an hour before going outside and an hour before bed.

Dosage: twice a day. Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women – once a day.

Duration of use is from two months to six months.

The dosage and period of use may vary depending on the desired result and individual characteristics.

If overdose

In case of an overdose, there will be no negative effect on the skin. Due to the fact that it contains only herbal and natural ingredients, an overdose may cause slight redness and mild itching. Simply rinse with plenty of water.


The cream can be found on the shelves at a pharmacy or any other cosmetic store.


There are several analogues of the Self-Rejuvenation cream. They differ in composition and effectiveness, therefore their prices are different. Choose a face cream for 50 years old using the link.

  1. Avon “Lifting and Strengthening”. The average price is 2000 rubles.
  2. Guam face cream anti-wrinkle firming microcellulaire. The average price is 700 rubles.
  3. Eucerin cream for face against wrinkles q10. The average price is 500 rubles.
  4. Astin cream. The average price is 400 rubles.
  5. Products from the Yves Rocher company. The average cost is 500 rubles.


This video provides a review of the “Self-rejuvenation” face cream from Black Pearl.