
**Antrib** is a neologism formed from two words: “an” (“anti” + “rib”) and comes from the English. "antiride". The term defines a kind of antonym to the word “call”.

How often have we heard headlines in the news about “protests”, about how the masses should fight the authorities for their rights? We are used to hearing these expressions, reading them and discussing them, but what does the call mean? Most likely, it is a call to action, a sign pointing to a specific object or event that evokes certain emotions and encourages action. However, what


Antrib (also called “crack” or “delamination”) is a phenomenon that occurs in materials during their use and manifests itself in the form of a violation of the continuity of the material and the appearance of individual grains, spots, stripes or shells in it. The occurrence of antrib is caused by the occurrence of many microdefects inside the material (for example, stresses or microcracks), which can lead to the destruction of the material up to the formation of antrib. * A well-known example of cod under the influence of impact loads is the formation of cracks in maple and oak wood when sawing boards across the grain of these species (quack